Year 1 Remote Learning - Wednesday 20th January

Good morning Year 1! Let’s get learning….

What are we learning today?


I have removed the table to make the website more user friendly. If you need to check which videos are suitably challenging, you can find the table on the how to help your child page.

Make sure you are reading for at least 20 minutes every day. I would love you to quiz on Accelerated Reader at least once a week. You can find the link on the how to help your child page.


Grown ups, after watching this video back, I feel like I haven’t been very clear at the end.

  1. Please could your child watch the video and ‘tick or fix’ their answers, in purple pencil.

  2. Then practise the skills that they have found tricky. The activities for this can be found below.

  3. If after listening to me and having a practise below, they are still struggling on a skill e.g. ordering. Please can you let me know and send me a photo of their work.

Children, can you be a Lizzie Ladybird and practise something you find tricky or would like to be more confident with? Clicking on the images of the games will take you to them.

Practise identifying tens and ones.

Practise identifying tens and ones.

Practise ordering numbers 1-20 forwards and backwards.

Practise ordering numbers 1-20 forwards and backwards.


Practise representing numbers to 20: D.4 Represent numbers - up to 20

Practise filling in the missing number on a number line: D.7 Number lines - up to 20

Practise identifiying one more and one less: D.8 Before, after and between - up to 20

Practise identifying a missing number in a sequence: D.14 Complete a sequence - up to 20


Year 1, my Wooclap screen is pinging away! Your ideas so far are AMAZING! I am smiling from ear to ear! I cannot wait to share all of your wonderful ideas with you tomorrow! Keep them coming!

Have a brilliant day year 1! See you tomorrow.

Big smiles,

Miss Lane