Using films to support writing...

As you know, after Christmas we will be starting our Classical Fiction unit of work, followed by Romeo and Juliet. For these units we will be combining books, films and imagery as a stimulus for writing. Films are a great to respond to as they are so visual for the children. I am planning on using a range of films across both units of work that are certified a U, PG or a 12. The only film that is a 12 is a version of Romeo and Juliet. The children will not be seeing all of the film, just small excepts for them to write from and all totally appropriate for them to see. I will ensure that any of the content deemed for a 12 year old and above is not viewed by the children.

If there are any questions about these films, please send me an email so that we can discuss it further. If I do not hear from anyone, I will assume that you are happy for the films to be used as part of my teaching.

Thank you for your continued support

Mrs Gregan