Week Eight
Merry Christmas
We have come to the end of our term and what a way to finish! Tuesday saw our KS2 children sing their hearts out for us at church, such a moving experience. Wednesday saw KS2 enjoy a good old fashioned Christmas party, pass the parcel, musical statues and much merriment. Thursday saw KS1 enjoying themselves at their Christmas party, they were so excited to receive a visit from a very special bearded gentleman, dressed in red, a very jolly man indeed. Christmas dinner was made by Jackie and her crew on Thursday and was enjoyed by us all, I had the pleasure of siting with Reception class, what a joy! Friday… the children look forward to the annual staff panto and this year we did not disappoint.
In Art…
Reception used their eye and hand co ordination skills as they threaded beads onto pip cleaners, these made pretty candy canes for our trees at home.
Year one made crowns for their class topic and decorated them to show their personalities.
Year two and Year one, had a choice after their party, either stay in class and watch a movie or arts and crafts in the Create room with me. It was lovely to spend this extra time together.
Year three are still busy, busy in class but we have completed our art topic, so we had a lovely chilled morning filling our Christmas sheets that i had made. We even used felt tips and as the children know, I don’t use felt tips very often.
Year four Mad themselves into fabulous Christmas characters, Elves, Santa, Fairies etc. These look amazing, everyone was very proud of themselves.
No art for Year five as it was KS2 party day, I did join year five for the main event and we all had an amazing time.
No art for Year six as it was Panto day, Oh no it wasn’t!…. Oh yes it was!
Art Club, Group three has now been announced and all the new members know. The names are on the Art Club page. I look forward to seeing you on the first Tuesday back after the holidays.
Art Raffle was won by Lily L in year four and Isabella in year three. Congratulations be sure to bring your voucher to me to claim your chosen prize.
Our Land, Our Schools. In February we are taking part in a Art Exhibition at the Heritage centre in Lytham. (Dates and details in the New Year.) I would like to exhibit work from all the year groups and am selecting work we have completed and thinking about work I’d like to include. Included in this is ‘Photography’. I am setting a competition for any children (children only please) to take photos . The title being Our Land, Our Schools. This is open to your take on the title. I think no people would be best, but apart from that… it’s up to you. Good luck and please email me the photos with who took them, class and current age to r.curtis@ourladystarofthesea.lancs.sch.uk .
Thank you for the lovely cards and gifts, It is very much appreciated. Have a very merry Christmas and a happy New year. See you in 2020.
God Bless.
Mrs Curtis