Year 5 Weekly Blog 23.09.22 - 'Family does not necessarily mean blood relatives, but often a description of a community'- Queen Elizabeth II

This week has flown by because of the bank holiday on Monday. It was lovely to hear about how the children celebrated Queen Elizabeth II’s life and service to our country. Thank you for completing homework this week. Apologies for any technical issues on purple mash and IXL, think it may be a few teething issues which we will be looking to sort.

In Maths, we have been focusing solely on rounding and have moved up to rounding to 10,000 and 100,000. The children have adapted to the bigger numbers excellently by remembering our ‘High 5’ rule. We have ended the week by applying the children’s rounding skills to word problems to solve and to apply reasoning for their answers. The use of a number line also gives the numbers a visual representation of which number to round to.

In English, we have finished our first legends story of the Minotaur and the Labyrinth and have introduced our next story, the legend of Gelert. We have read through our new story and explored the vocabulary that the children found interesting. We have also looked at the elements of fiction stories, relating to the plot, settings and theme and use these to compare our two legend stories.

It was brilliant to see so many of you on Wednesday evening as we discussed the year ahead. I really hope I didn’t take up too much of your time as we know you all have busy lives, which makes it all the more special for you to take the time out to attend. Don’t worry if you were unavailable to attend, if you require any information discussed on the evening then please drop me an email and I can send over the presentation.

Let’s Celebrate

Matilda and Iris for being enthusiastic learners: After a successful PE lesson last week, the children were allowed to keep their same partners for gymnastics. Both Matilda and Iris have shown a keen interest in our topic and are happy to share their creations with the class. They have led the way of how to behave throughout PE lessons, including how to handle equipment, working brilliantly as a team and being considerate of others around them. Keep it up girls!

Edi for being a focused learner: I could give this award to Edi every week if possible. He is always ready for the task being set and is constantly setting an example of how to behave in the classroom, especially at the start of the day when we begin our morning activity. Edi never needs reminding on what he needs to be doing because he is such a good listener. An absolute joy to teach!


Football- Football training will resume to its normal time which is Monday at 8am. Football fixtures begin on Tuesday, with kick off at 4pm. The teams will be decided during Mondays training session, with kits being handed out that day. If your child has not made it into the football team, they are still free to attend training sessions on Monday. Additional information regarding the sports fixtures and the schedule is available on the sports newsletter/calendar on the ENGAGE page of the school website.

Netball- Netball training will still be on a Thursday at 3:30pm and fixtures will also begin this Tuesday. More information regarding the netball fixtures and schedule will be available on the sports newsletter/calendar on the ENGAGE page of the school website.

Choir- Thursday 3:30pm

Dance- Will resume on Monday at 3:30pm.

Art- Please can you bring in your art t-shirts as Mrs Mather is keen to begin painting in her lessons. Art lessons are on Tuesdays.

Reading Books- It looks like children have been doing lots of reading at home but can children remember to put their reading books back in their bags ready to bring them into school.

Homework- Homework this week be on paper copies. This will be in the children’s homework folders which are to be completed and stuck into their homework books, ready to be handed in on Tuesday.

Year 5 weekly blog 16.09.22- ' Leadership is not about titles, positions or work hours. It's about relationships'

This week has been our leadership week. Each class has been listening to speeches from candidates and voting for our new Year 6 House Captains and also our new Year 5 Class Councilors. The children stood at the front and gave some lovely speeches, explaining the reasons why they should be picked and the qualities they bring to the class.


This week the children began their music lessons with Mrs Maddocks, including their new instrument! The children were exhilarated to have their own clarinet and begin to know the sound of the instrument. The children will learn how to put together their clarinet safely come their next lesson. In the next few weeks, they will be aloud to take them home to practice.

In Maths, the children have shown a great retainment of knowledge from Year 4 as we moved on to rounding. The children have started to develop how to round to higher numbers without using manipulatives.

In English, we have continued with our focus of Greek myths and legends and have completed our first piece of story writing about the Minotaur and the Labyrinth.


Bank Holiday- School will be closed on Monday 19th September due to Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral. School will reopen on the Tuesday.

Football - Due to school being closed on Monday, football training will be on Tuesday at 3:30pm. Please can Code of Conduct forms be handed in on Tuesday.

Choir and Netball- On Thursdays at 3:30pm

Dance- There will be no dance session on this week.

Induction Evening- Will take place Wednesday 21st September at 6pm. I am looking forward to meeting all of you and for you to get the chance to see the children’s new classroom and to meet the staff.

Homework- Has been set online for the children. All information regarding homework has been posted on the Year 5 home learning blog and is to be handed in by Tuesday 20th September.

Year 5 Weekly Blog 9.9.22 " Change is inevitable but personal growth is optional"

Welcome to Year 5

First week completed! We have had a fantastic first week back and the children have adapted really well from the jump up to Year 5.

The class are so kind hearted and are a lovely group to teach. I am excited to take to take this class on their learning journey throughout upper key stage 2.

The children have shown how responsible they are by carrying our their new class jobs, even helping other children in their jobs as well. It has been lovely to hear about their summer holidays and what they got up to. They certainty made me jealous with all of the amazing activities that they did. The children have loved our new history topic of Ancient Greece and looking into their myths and legends such as the Minotaur and the Labyrinth.

Treat others how you would like to be treated…

On our first day back, we went through the new set up in Year 5 and what the children were most looking forward to. After spending some time with the class at the end of Year 4, I could see that they would have no trouble following school rules. “treat others how you would like to be treated” has become our class slogan in which the children have shown how this is important to them.


Class Council- Next Fridays assembly will be our leadership assembly, where leadership roles in Year 6 will be announced, along with the class councilors for each year group. If you haven’t been a class councilor yet and you would like to be one this year, on Early next week we will be voting in class for who we would like to be class councilor. So if you are interested, you can prepare a small speech of why you want to be a class councilor and why people should vote for you. Good luck!

PE Days- Just to remind everyone, PE days are;

Wednesday- Rugby outdoors

Thursday- Gymnastics indoors

I do apologize for the mix up this week, I should really check the blog before posting it.

Art- On Tuesdays. Please can you bring in your art t-shirts.

Reading Books- Over the summer the library has had a complete makeover and is currently in the process of being set up. Therefore, if children would like to bring in a book from home for them to read at the beginning and end of the day.

Proud Cloud- In Year 5 we have a proud cloud which is used to celebrate the children’s achievements outside of school such as winning trophies and certificates. All you need to do is to email myself a picture of your child holding their trophy/certificate with a little description.

Football and Netball training- Football and netball training sessions will begin on Monday at 8am. Football will be ran by myself and Mr Nay whilst netball will be ran by Miss Lavelle. Fixtures will begin 27th September. If your child is interested, please bring the appropriate kit.

Football- Boots, shin pads, football kit, water bottle.

Netball- sports kit, sports trainers, water bottle.

Choir- Choir will begin Thursday 15th which will be ran by Miss Woodend.

Medical and Consent Forms- These forms have been attached below. Please can you fill these out ASAP. The home school agreement will also be attached.