Can't wait to meet you

Dear Year 5,

I am very excited about meeting you all again and beginning our learning journey together. I have been planning exciting lessons and the classroom is ready to go. I have a few important reminders for you and your parents before the start of the term.

PE days: Tuesday outside and Thursday inside. PE shorts need to be worn underneath tracksuit bottoms for gymnastics on Thursdays.

Pencil cases will be required, please spend time preparing your equipment. You will need: blue pen and spare, HB pencil and spare, eraser, sharpener, short ruler, glue stick, 2 highlighters (optional green pen, purple pen and coloured pencils).

Water bottle will be required everyday.

Induction evening will take place Wednesday 21st September at 6pm. This is a wonderful opportunity for me to meet parents/guardians and share my vision for the year.

Can’t wait to see you all

Mr Cornwell