"The longest journey begins with a single step." ...

The highlight of the week was our walk to St. Joseph’s church this week. It was wet and cold but we made it. Below are pictures of the event. If you haven’t yet donated to CAFOD please visit Parent Pay to do so - thank you! Mrs Nel worked it out that together we walked 173 Kilometres!!


Our Certificates this week went to: Grace and Jack and our Compassionate Certificates went to Mrs Nel and Grace. It is nice when the children tell you the teacher has to get it! Mrs Nel was a hero on our walk!


Next week we will be performing our Easter assembly - it will be our first assembly for parents since the beginning of 2020. As you are aware there is room for 2 members to visit and watch. Could you please complete the form below to make us aware of the numbers.

We break up next Friday 8th April at 2pm - children need picking up at 2:00pm and 2:10pm - Thank you

PE is Tuesday and Friday - PE kits please.

There were 6 homework books missing this week - we can only mark on Friday - please make sure they are on time and completed.


Design Technology continues after the holiday - we will be COOKING. The children will have allocated weeks and ingredients they will need to bring to school. There will be two sessions per group (half the class) lasting all morning. These lessons will take place on Thursdays. All recipes and dates will be sent home next week as we start first week back. All children will need an apron and a tea towel (we do our own washing up too) as well as the weighed ingredients and containers suitable to transport goodies home.