What a week, I’m sure they are getting quicker and quicker. We are well into the process of writing our Brer Rabbit stories, I have really enjoyed writing mine and then reading the children’s versions. There are some very talented writers and some real resilience to keep going when completing longer pieces of writing like this. Well done children.
Read moreIt is in giving that we receive.
Real generosity towards the future lies in giving all to the present.
Welcome back to Spring 2 half term
We have hit the ground running and jumped straight back into the swing of things after our week off, the children all sound like they’ve had a lovely week at home. I too am well rested and ready for lots more fun and learning.
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Spellings added on homework page, thank you.
Rest and be thankful.
The last week of this half term was one of the busiest and most exciting with our E-safety day and a visit from the inspiring Craig McCann to add to our already jam packed timetable of fantastic learning.
Year 4 started online safety day with a puzzle created by Bethany and Lucinda our class digital leaders and this led the children and Mrs Mather to some in depth discussion about our online identities. As the day went on with quizzes, self portraits, role plays and word art the children showed real maturity to discuss the issues which affect them in the digital world we live in. Well done Year 4.
Read moreLearning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere.
What fun we had this week when a crime scene was discovered in our classroom, we came back from lunch to chalk arrows on the floor leading us to a group of mysterious items taken from other places around the school. There were lots of interesting suggestions from the children as to what had happened, there are some vivid imaginations in year 4 which led to Mark and Eli checking the cupboards in our classroom for a Saxon thief and his loot. Luckily, the cupboards only treasures were glue sticks and spare pens. All of this adventure led us to learn about the mysterious disappearance of Saxon items at Sutton Hoo in East Anglia many years ago, we will be continuing with our quest to find out more next week. (Photos to be added shortly).
Read moreWhile we teach children all about life, children teach us what life is all about.
Wow this week has just flown by, it has been a busy week of lots of history and delving into the tales of the slightly mischievous Brer Rabbit. We are beginning to plan for some short writing opportunities in English which I will share with you next week, I am looking forward to reading the children’s work as I have been very impressed with the sentence work we have completed so far.
Read moreSpellings given out 27.1.2020 to be tested on 3.2.2020
Spellings - we tried giving out spellings on slips of paper last week in the hope they were then ready to stick on fridges, memo boards or on walls ready for practising them however this plan failed when several were lost or eaten by the tray monsters in our classroom! So spellings will be listed on here and the homework page each Monday, these will then be tested the following Monday.
This week our spellings are
height (same letters eigh but different sound so be careful)
Thank you for your continued support.
Miss Edmondson
What we learn with pleasure we never forget. Alfred Mercier.
It’s a mystery!
One lunch time this week a visitor must have crept into our classroom without being spotted and left us a letter and a Roman helmet, the letter has helped us learn about how the Romans returned home from Britain and how the Saxons invaded our shores. It was very interesting to hear all of the children’s ‘I wonder’ questions and we have started to find out more about the Saxons as part of our History. After realising it wasn’t Mrs Lyons (nice idea Emmanuel) who had planted it here the mystery is yet to be solved! Photos are now added, please see below.
Read moreBlessed are the curious for they shall have adventures.
What a lovely welcome back to our wonderful school your children have given me, I have thoroughly enjoyed our first few days together. Thank you for your patience at the door at home time, I am slowly (very slowly) learning a few faces. Year 4 have been working really hard and have hit the ground running, Mrs Lyons will be really pleased with how they have adapted. The children have also shown kindness and a warm welcome to Miss Walker who will be working as a teaching assistant in our class in the mornings.
Read moreChristmas is here!
What an amazing week it has been! From singing their hearts out on Tuesday to rocking their socks off on Wednesday it has been a week of joy!
We have also been busy reading our new novel, The Butterfly Lion. Children have written more persuasive letters and have dived into it with their usual gusto! We have now got off to a good start with our column addition too!
All that is left is to wish you a happy and holy Christmas. Your children are such a pleasure to teach and are all on Santa’s good list as far as I am concerned! Merry Christmas!
God bless,
Mrs Lyons, Miss Atkinson, Mrs Mather and Mrs Kennedy
Some of the beautiful worships this half term led by members of Year 4
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!
It has been a lovely week here in Year 4. Congratulations to all children on their Flute concert performance - you did brilliantly! It got the week off to a great start! We have been thinking about the Trinity this week and recognising that this is why Christmas is so important - because it is the incarnation of God made flesh in the form of baby Jesus. We also enjoyed the Key Stage 1 nativity.
Today we finished Charlotte’s Web - our novel. Children felt very emotional as we have got to know and love the characters so much! Earlier in the week, children wrote newspaper reports to explain about the ‘miracle’ which had occurred in the barn. They then wrote a persuasive letter, urging Mr Zuckerman not to kill Wilbur at Christmas time. They have also written a new episode to help save Wilbur’s life. The good news of course is that Wilbur’s life was saved, but the bad news was that the amazing Charlotte passed away. We will next be writing an obituary to remember Charlotte on behalf of her best friend, Wilbur. This novel has helped us explore what friendship means and learn about both love and loss. Books truly make us into kinder individuals, because they help us see things through the eyes of others and feel compassion for them. As soon as we had finished, one child immediately asked what our next class novel would be!
In maths, we have begun the column addition method which children are taking to very well. We have also had two church practices this week for our up and coming performance - you are in for a treat!
This week was our last swimming until the new year (we will swim on the first week back) Children had great fun doing relay races and playing water polo!
Let’s Celebrate!
This week, Penny received a Bobby Bee certificate for believing in herself and listening to teacher feedback. Harry received a Cooper Crab certificate for super focus.
We had 4 swimming stars - James and Harvey for being very pro-active in water polo and Penny and Lily L for some super goals!
Monday pm - Choir at Stellamatina
Tuesday - Key Stage 2 Christmas performances at 2pm and 6.30pm in church (arrive 10 minutes early at night please) Everyone is welcome for this tuneful reflection on the birth of Christ, where the theme is Fraternity.
Wednesday, Key Stage 2 Christmas party. Wear Christmas/party clothes. Bring one treat/snack eg chocolate bar or packet of crisps and a nice drink - not fizzy.
Thursday - Christmas dinner day.
Friday - we break up at 2pm.
Phew - a busy week! Have a restful weekend, although if you are anything like me you will be rushing around getting those last minute Christmas things sorted!
God bless,
Mrs Lyons, Mrs Kennedy, Mrs Mather and Miss Atkinson
Some super newspaper reports about a miracle on Mr Zuckerman's farm!
'Wilbur didn’t want food, he wanted love. He wanted a friend—someone who would play with him.' (E.B White - Charlotte's Web)
It has been a really delightful week in Year 4. Despite coughs and colds we have been such enthusiastic learners! We have delved right into our Charlotte’s Web novel and feel like the characters are our new friends! We also looked closely at the subject of friendship - which is explored in the novel. We thought about what makes a good friend and how we could offer this friendship to others. We also thought about what might upset people and put them off being friends with us, using characters from the novel as an example.
We have learned about formal and informal language - all children wrote formally to Charlotte when they were ‘making her acquaintance!’ Alongside practising many reading skills, such as performing parts aloud, inferring and finding evidence to prove a point, we have been collecting vocabulary and using it when we talk and write!
In maths we have all been ‘Tommy Turtles’ who have a go and work really hard on our addition and subtraction strategies. We are now ready to begin column addition and subtraction next week.
On Wednesday, we had a lovely lesson all about angels. Children asked so many interesting questions about them then we found evidence from the bible to see what angels do. We learned a lovely prayer about angels and then children formulated their own beliefs about what they think angels are and where they come from. It was beautiful when they looked at each others ideas and decided they had changed their beliefs slightly according to what their partner had said. The mysteries of our faith are so interesting to ponder upon!
Let’s celebrate!
This week, the french stars were Aya and Daniel. Our swimming stars were Lily A and Clayton. A Tommy Turtle certificate went to Lily A, who is a brave learner. She has a good go at anything! Clayton received a Kiki Chameleon certificate for voicing his deep and interesting thoughts in class. Well done!
Please remember flutes on Monday for our Flute concert which takes place at 2.45 in the hall - you are most welcome.
Next Friday is Christmas jumpers and silly socks day. Please bring a kind donation of £1 which we will give to Brian House. This was Year 5’s idea to raise as much money as possible for those less fortunate than them.
Our Key Stage 2 Christmas party is on Wednesday 18th December. Children can come in their own clothes (Christmasy if they wish) They may bring one special snack on this day (eg/ a bar of chocolate or a packet of crisps and also a drink (not fizzy please)
Next week is our final week of swimming for this term.
Our final Advent mass is next Friday at 8am at school. It is so lovely to share this with so many of you each week.
Key Stage 2 Christmas performance in church on Tuesday 17th December at 2.00pm and at 6.30pm.
Have a lovely weekend with your little cherubs! God bless you all..
Mrs Lyons, Mrs Mather, Mrs Kennedy and Miss Atkinson
"Without a song or a dance what are we?" (Abba!)
May we first say a massive well done to our dancers who were in the dance festival on Monday night. You danced your hearts out and did so well. Today has also been a celebration of all things musical as we went to the Parish Pantomime - Rumplestiltskin. Children had a brilliant time and joined in with so many songs. Some even had chance to go on the stage and sing. It was a super performance full of laughter and joy.
Highlights this week:
We are in full flow with our new novel - ‘Charlotte’s Web.’ Already we love Wilbur the pig and are learning important skills of inference and finding evidence in the text to prove a point. Today children made Advent promises to grow closer to Jesus this season and have created a poster, informing people all about how and why Christians celebrate Advent. Why not chat about this at the weekend? We have been wise mathematicians this week as we have been learning/revising lots more addition/subtraction strategies and thinking about when it is best to use them.
Let’s Celebrate!
This week our learning certificates (Sadie Spider) went to Jessica and Bella. Both of you are trying so hard to achieve and be perseverant learners - well done!
Our swimming stars this week were Olivia, Clayton and Jacob.
Our French star was Kaya and our Yoga stars were Victor and Emma. Well done!
Flute concert for parents on Monday 9th December at 2.45. We hope you can come!
On Friday 13th December, come to school in a Christmas Jumper and/or silly socks and bring a pound. This is an initiative created by Year 5 children who want us to raise money for Brian house.
Tuesday 17th November - Key stage 2 Christmas performance in church - 2.00pm and 6.30pm.
Advent mass at school each Friday at 8.00am
Have a lovely first weekend of Advent!!
Mrs Lyons, Mrs Mather, Mrs Kennedy and Miss Atkinson
Some super Year 4 explanation texts about The Water Cycle!
' I opened two gifts this morning - they were my eyes!'
It was lovely seeing so many of you at our curriculum evening which was all about maths! I enjoyed sharing our strategies and teaching children some multiplication and division concepts! There is a real buzz around maths in our class. At the moment, we are revising all of our strategies for addition and thinking about the place value of the numbers to help us. This week, we have looked at number bonds, number patterns and families and also bridging.
We have been noticing the good deeds of others this week and had a lovely worship on Monday all about seeking the Kingdom of God. We have a class gratitude box and children have filled it with things they have been thankful for this week. On Thursday, we were very proud of Adam, Lorna-Jane and Finian who delivered a lovely worship about how Jesus cares for us, reading the story of the Lost Sheep….so it has been a real celebration of thanks to God this week. In our RE lessons, we have been thinking about what trust means to us and times when it is a challenge to trust in God.
Science understanding has sky rocketed this week as children learned all about evaporation, condensation and the water cycle. They have written another explanation text all about this. Some of their vocabulary has been amazing. We are collecting vocabulary from our reading books that we like on the class windows!
Let’s Celebrate!
This week, the learning certificates went to Victor, who has settled in so nicely and tries so hard that he got a Sadie Spider certificate! A Kiki Chameleon certificate went to Lorna-Jane who always puts a lot of thought into all she does - she likes to wonder and use her creativity.
Yoga stars this week, were Harry and Sophie and our Swimming stars were Kaya and Adam. Well done everyone!
Our pantomime is on Friday next week. Children will have lunch at school as normal and should be back at school for 3.30.
Flute concert for parents: Come and see how your children are getting along! They will be performing a Christmas concert in the hall on Monday 9th December at 2.45pm. You are most welcome!
Our Key stage 2 Christmas performance is on Tuesday 17th December at 2pm and again at 6.30pm. The songs they sing are beautiful
Our Advent masses begin next Friday morning - at 8.00am in school. Please come and join us - it is always such a lovely time.
Nearly every great discovery in Science has come as the result of providing a new question, rather than a new answer. (Paul A. Mackintosh)
We have had a week of real Science discoveries! Our trip to UCLAN was amazing - and we were blown away with some of the children’s questions to the tutors! Children learned all about states of matter and even about acid, alkali and neutral substances. Have a look below - they were so engaged and of course loved the products they made!
We have also been examining changes in temperature in our Science lessons in class. We have even taken the temperature of our classroom throughout the day to look at how it changes!Children have produced their own movies all about solids, liquids and gases and have evaluated their movie making skills. Today they learned how to make animations in flipbook form and on purple mash - they can make one for homework too!
Thanks so much for all your kind donations today for Children in Need Day. All proceeds will go to Brian House. It was nice to meet so many new friends today - especially a very hard-working shark!!
Let’s Celebrate!
This week our Yoga stars were Olivia and Clayton for super yoga poses. Our Swimming stars were Jacob and Lily L.
A Lizzie Ladybird certificate went to Aya for improving so much this last few weeks in all she does. A Bobby Bee certificate went to Lily for always being so enthusiastic and learning so keenly. A Sadie Spider certificate went to Megan for trying so hard and being resilient if something is tricky. I am so lucky to have such a class of great learners!
Times tables stars
This week 4 Clara Clownfish points go these children who got 18/18 on their times tables test:
Harry, Faye, Lorna-Jane, Emma, Finian, Ava, Olivia, Elise, Georgia, Bella, Lily L, Daniel, Jessica, James, Sophie, Megan, Clayton, Kaya, Zac, Lily A, Victor.
Well done!
Please come along to our wonderful curriculum evening on Thursday night between 6pm-8pm. Our school will be full of maths activities which you can do together - a celebration of all things maths! There may even be some Year 4 ‘s helping with some activities. If you want to find out all about how to help your child it would be lovely to see you there!
Parish Pantomime - Rumplestiltskin - Friday 29th November. The class will be attending this as a nice (early) Christmas treat! The cost of the trip is £5 payable on parentpay please.
As the temperature goes down, its that time to snuggle up at home with your lovely children! Have a great weekend,
Mrs Lyons, Miss Atkinson, Mrs Mather and Mrs Kennedy.
If you have hope, this will make you cheerful! (St Paul - 66AD)
It has been a week of discovery this week as children were asked the question, “What is everything in the world made of?” After a very interesting discussion about this, we started to learn about three states of matter - solids, liquids and gases. We began by making our own ice-cream - the excitement was palpable! We worked in teams to freeze our cream, milk and sugar mixture by shaking it in a bag of ice. We were very successful! The mixture solidified and we ate lots of delicious ice cream! We then investigated how we can decide if something is a solid or a liquid, by examining items and coming up with a set of qualities that they have. We have started to make our own group movies on ‘imovie’ to describe the differences between the two states. Why not spot some solids and liquids this weekend - and discuss what a gas is. We are looking forward to our trip on Tuesday to find out more about this.
We have come to the end of our unit on place value in maths this week. We will be using all this knowledge and understanding when we develop our skills in addition and subtraction, multiplication and division next. We have been busy writing our own stories based on the Pied piper this week and have really improved our writing through this process- where the teacher models one part of the story and the children imitate and innovate on it. Today we wrote our version of ‘The Little Match Girl,’ independently. Children are trying so hard to become Year 4 writers! In RE, we have been praying the our Father and thinking about the meaning. We wrote it in our own words then thought about what God wants from us, using the inspirations of Abraham, Joseph, Moses and David from the Old Testament stories we have been studying. As a school, we are learning this half term to become faith-filled and hopeful.
Let’s celebrate!
This week our yoga stars were Jessica and Emmanuel for being beautifully still and peaceful. Our swimming stars this week were Olivia - for strong butterfly stroke and Zac for super strokes.
Our learning certificates went to Daniel - who received a Cooper Crab for managing distractions around him and learning how to get lost in his task and Meadow for listening to teacher’s advice and bubbling with enthusiasm for all her learning.
Children who gave permission have had their flu vaccinations today.
Class trip on Tuesday - please ensure children are in school uniform and if not having a packed lunch from Jackie please bring a packed lunch in a plastic bag - named. Children will need coats and a water bottle.
Have a lovely weekend with your families. God bless,
Mrs Lyons, Mrs Mather, Mrs Kennedy and Miss Atkinson