Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere.

What fun we had this week when a crime scene was discovered in our classroom, we came back from lunch to chalk arrows on the floor leading us to a group of mysterious items taken from other places around the school. There were lots of interesting suggestions from the children as to what had happened, there are some vivid imaginations in year 4 which led to Mark and Eli checking the cupboards in our classroom for a Saxon thief and his loot. Luckily, the cupboards only treasures were glue sticks and spare pens. All of this adventure led us to learn about the mysterious disappearance of Saxon items at Sutton Hoo in East Anglia many years ago, we will be continuing with our quest to find out more next week

Let’s celebrate

This week our yoga stars are Meadow and James.

Our swimming stars are Ava, Finian and Emma.

Madame Jefferson chose the whole class to be French stars this week, as they had all really impressed her.

This week I was on the look out for Cooper Crabs who show focus and excellent concentration, there are lots of those children in our class.

I was particularly impressed by Faye and Zach this week.

Faye always shows fantastic focus in all lessons, she has the self motivation to do well in all activities and all lessons. Her work in Accelerated Reader sessions is fantastic, meaning she is heading towards her targets at great speed. I loved Faye’s Brer Fox letter where she wrote a very persuasive letter to Brer Rabbit inviting him to go hunting. Great work Faye!

Zac is a very focused learner and he will always get super busy with any task, he has an intrinsic desire to do well. In every lesson he will produce work of a good quantity and quality. I can always rely on Zac to work hard and show excellent concentration, this will get him far! Well done Zac.

There has been some fantastic progress in Accelerated Reading these last few weeks, some children are meeting their targets repeatedly and their fluency and understanding is fantastic. Please continue to support your child with this reading at home to ensure their progress is developing further, children please aim to spend at least twenty minutes a night reading. Find somewhere cosy and curl up with your school reading book to get on to those all important quizzes.

With just one more week left until half term have a restful weekend with your family and friends.

Miss Edmondson