Year 6 Home Learning 3.02.23


Spelling - please learn the following words from the statutory spelling list and complete the Purple Mash quiz.


Please revise identifying nouns using the following IXL strands:

FF1 - Identify nouns – with abstract nouns

FF2 - Identify common and proper nouns


Please complete the long division calculations in your homework books. Follow the steps from the example below. Remember to lay it out correctly.

ENGLISH (last week to complete)

On a piece of paper, or typed up, please could you write a biography on an inspirational person of your choice. Please remember all of the tools we need to include in a biography:

Year 6 Home Learning 27.01.23


Spelling - Homophones- words that are easily confused. Please check the meaning of each of the words. You may also want to use these word in sentences so that you fully understand the words meaning and when the correct spelling would be used. There is a quiz for you to complete on PURPLE MASH.


Please read the biography on Barack Obama and complete the questions ready to go over this in class on Thursday.


Please complete the conversion problems that are in your Maths book.

ENGLISH (two week homework)

On a piece of paper, or typed up, please could you write a biography on an inspirational person of your choice. Please remember all of the tools we need to include in a biography:

Optional Competition set by Mrs Gregan - to be in on Monday 6th February

Year 6 Weekly Home Learning 19.01.23


Spelling - Silent letter spellings.

knowledge, psychology, psalm, receipt, aisle, island, castle, chimney, disguise.


Please complete the IXL strand LL 3 Identify Prepositional phrases


Please complete the IXL strands on converting measures.

BB4- Compare and convert metric units of length

BB5 - Compare and convert metric units of mass


This needs to be in school on Tuesday, as the research you do will be used in class to aid your writing in class. I have set a Purple Mash to do for you and we can print this at school to go in your book.

Please research Rosa Parks ready to write a biography on her in English lessons next week. Think about the following titles:

  • Early life and family

  • Education and working life

  • Experiencing Injustice

  • Fight against persecution

  • Later life and legacy

Year 6 Home Learning 13.1.23


Spelling - Silent letter spellings.

crumb, debt, plumb, scissors, scenario, plaque, design, foreign, reign, anchor, chemical


Please complete the IXL strands on comparing numbers.

J3- Multiply a decimal by 10, 100 or 1,000

K3- Divide a decimal by 10, 100 or 1,000


Please complete the short mini test on Prepositions and then the worksheet in your homework books, to recap all of our work on prepositions.

History (last week to complete) on Purple Mash

Year 6 Home Learning 06.01.23


This week our focus is on words with the ending ‘fer’.

  1. Refer

  2. prefer

  3. transfer

  4. offer

  5. infer

  6. defer

  7. differ


Please complete the IXL strands on comparing numbers.

H1- What decimal number is illustrated?

H2- Model decimals and fractions


This week we have been identifying prepositions and looking at how we can use them within sentences. Please reinforce this learning by completing the following IXL strands:

LL 1: Identify prepositions

LL 2: Identify prepositions and their objects

History (Two Week to complete) On Purple Mash

Make sure you include the following:

Year 6 Home Learning

For homework over Christmas I would like you just to relax, make memories with your families and re-charge those batteries ready for another busy term.

However, the one thing we would ask is that you do lots of reading over the holidays!

It would be great if you could go to the library and borrow a couple of Biographies, as we will be writing our own when we come back! This will help you to gather certain vocabulary and get used to the style of writing, as well of course as being extremely interesting learning about the lives of others!

Here are some websites that you can download free biographies from incase you can’t get to the library:

Year 6 Home Learning 9.12.22


This week our focus is on the PREFIXES ‘sub’ and ‘mis’. Both of these prefixes are from Latin origins- can you tell us next week what the meaning of these prefixes are? How does that help you understand unfamiliar words? You will be quizzed on words with these prefixes next week.

Can you collect examples of them in your homework books?

Please complete the IXL strands U3 and U4.

Your quiz will be picked from random on words with these prefixes.


Please complete the IXL strands on comparing numbers.

A9- Compare numbers up to one million

A10- Compare numbers up to ten million


It is all about Walt Disney next week. This weekend could you watch a NEW Disney film that you haven’t seen before or even one you have already watched and then go on to Purple Mash and write a film review all about it!

Christmas songs.

Keep practicing the songs for your Christmas Concert and your words- make sure you are speaking them slowly, clearly and loudly enough. Can you learn the sign language to the second verse of Silent Night, use the video below to help you:

Year 6 Home Learning 2.12.22


This week our focus is on the PREFIXES ‘re’ and ‘pre’. Both of these prefixes are from Latin origins- can you tell us next week what the meaning of these prefixes are? How does that help you understand unfamiliar words? You will be quizzed on words with these prefixes next week.

Can you collect examples of them in your homework books?

Please complete the IXL strands U1 and U2.

Your quiz will be picked from random on words with these prefixes.


Complete the Missing Numbers Puzzles in your homework books to reinforce what we have been learning in class!

Christmas songs.

You should all have your singing booklets now with all our Christmas songs, this should come back and forth to school to ensure we learn all the words to each song. You also should now have learnt your lines/ scripture and should now be at the stage where you are practising speaking slowly, clearly and loudly enough. We will be going to church for the first time on Tuesday and I will expect all of you to know your words off by heart.

Please make it a real priority to learn your lines and the words to the next 3 songs we practiced this week. There are two videos below with all three songs you can sing along to at home. Two of the songs are KS2 signing but the other is of Andrea Bocelli and Céline Dion, singing The Prayer. Remember Year 6, that we are singing the English echo, not the Italian.

Year 6 Home Learning 25.11.22


This week our focus is on SUFFIXES ‘less’ and ‘ful’ which form adjectives.

Please complete the IXL strands U6 and U7.

Your quiz will be picked from random on adjectives with these suffixes.


Please complete the following IXL strands:

A5 and A6- writing numbers up to one million

Christmas songs.

You have been given a booklet with all our Christmas songs and your lines to practise for our upcoming Christmas concert on Thursday 15th December. Please make it a real priority to learn your lines and the words to the first 3 songs we practised this week. There is a video below with all three songs you can sing along to at home. What a jolly homework! Learning points to those who know the words for our practice next Tuesday.

Year 6 Home Learning 18.11.22


This week our focus is on HOMOPHONES- words that can confuse us! There is a Purple Mash quiz and Look, Cover, Check activity to help you.

Could you also complete the IXL strand ENGLISH: Z1 use the correct homophone


Please complete the Arithmetic and Reasoning questions in your books.


Please keep reading at home for at least 30 minutes every night.

Year 6 Home Learning 11.11.22


This week our focus is going to be on words ending in ‘ibly’ or ‘ably’. Please see the spelling quiz set for you to complete on Purple Mash to help you practice. These are the following words that you will be quizzed on:

adorably, comfortably, noticeably, understandably, terribly, horribly, incredibly, possibly


Get on TT Rockstars and practice the speed of your multiplication facts!


Please complete the reading in 5 minute sheet- to help build on reading skills and comprehnesion.

History - The six wives of Henry VIII.

One more week to complete.

Remembrance Day Art

You can create some beautiful pieces of artwork digitally. Can you create a Poppy?

Year 6 Weekly Homework 4.11.22


This week our focus is going to be on words ending in ‘ible’ or ‘able’. Please see the spelling quiz set for you to complete on Purple Mash to help you practice. These are the following words that you will be quizzed on:

changeable, noticeable, knowledgeable, manageable, serviceable, forcible, illegible, legible, elligible, terrible,

Could you also complete the IXL strand English U8 ‘words with ible and able’.


Please complete the Purple Mash task on finding fractions of amounts.

History - The six wives of Henry VIII.

You have two weeks to complete this, as we are expecting depth and quality (no copy and pasting).

Henry VIII was a significant monarch in British History, but what can you find out about his 6 wives?

Gather as much information as you can about the wives and what happened to them. You can show your research in any way, in your books, on purple mash or on a piece of paper.

What was their date of birth and death?

How old were they when they came to the throne as Henry’s wife?

Did they have any children?

What was their influence on Henry?

Year 6 Weekly Home Learning 19.10.22

English - Reading - Read, read, read, read every single day for AT LEAST 30 minutes. Are you quizzing regularly enough? Be ready to quiz when you come back.

Could you please complete the reading comprehension on ‘electricity’. Remember to use full sentences and refer to the text where you can.

Grammar- Please complete IXL OO2- commas with compound and complex sentences.

Spellings - Please learn and practice spelling the following words from the Year 5 and 6 spelling list:

  1. accompany

  2. awkward

  3. bruise

  4. familiar

  5. opportunity

  6. physical

  7. recognise

  8. system

Maths - Please complete the following strand on IXL to find fractions of numbers:

N10- Fractions of a number

BIKEABILITY- Get out on your bike, wear your helmet and get practicing ready for the first day back!

Year 6 home learning 14.10.22

English - Reading - Read, read, read, read every single day for AT LEAST 30 minutes. Are you quizzing regularly enough? Some still haven’t quiz since they’ve been back, let’s change that and get to our targets.

Grammar- We’ve been focusing on our clauses, looking at main and subordinate clauses. Can you complete the worksheet in your home learning books to make complex sentences.

Don’t forget when adding a subordinate clause you need to include a subordinating conjunction. Use the picture below to help you.

Spellings - this week we are focusing on words with the ending ‘ance’ and ‘ancy’

Maths - Please complete the fractions of quantities worksheets in your home learning books.

Also complete the following strand on IXL to add and subtract fractions:

N8- Multiply fractions by whole numbers

Year 6 home learning 7th October

English - Reading - Read, read, read, read every single day for AT LEAST 30 minutes. Are you quizzing regularly enough? Some still haven’t quiz since they’ve been back, let’s change that and get to our targets.

Grammar- Over the half term our focus is on sentence structure, looking at different sentence types and how we can connect clauses using conjunctions. There are two main type of conjunctions and we have to be able to identify and us these. Please practice using the IXL strands below:

MM1 - Identify coordinating conjunctions

MM2- Identify subordinating conjunctions

Spellings - this week we are focusing on words with the ending ‘ant’

Maths - Please complete the following strands on IXL to multiply fractions:

N1- Multiply unit fractions by whole numbers using number lines

N2- Multiply unit fractions by whole numbers using models

Year 6 home learning 30th September

English - Reading - Read, read, read, read every single day for AT LEAST 30 minutes. Are you quizzing regularly enough? Some still haven’t quiz since they’ve been back, let’s change that and get to our targets.

Grammar- This week we have been identifying main and subordinate clauses, on IXL and in other areas of grammar these are sometimes called independent (main) and dependent (subordinate) clauses. These helps us to identify and write different types of sentences. Please see the picture below to help you and then complete the following IXL strands.



Spellings - this week we are focusing on words with the ending ‘tial’

Maths - Please complete the following strands on IXL to add and subtract fractions:

M2- Add and subtract fractions with the same denominator using number lines

M3- Add and subtract fractions with the same denominator

Geography- You each have a sheet with a number of South American flags, can you colour them in correctly, cut them out, stick them in your homework books and label the country it belongs to.

Year 6 Home Learning Friday 16th September

Homework should be completed and brought back to school for the following Thursday


English - Reading - Read, read, read, read every single day! Whilst you are reading can you collect nouns in your homework book? Think about whether they are proper, common or an abstract noun.

Grammar- Year 6 need to be able to identify different sentence types- please remind yourselves on whether sentences are simple or compound. Remember to look out for the coordinating conjunctions (FANBOYS), this tells you it is a compound sentence.

Complete IXL EE 8 English- don’t forget to check it is on the Year 6 section not another year group.

Spellings - this week we are focusing on words with the ending ‘cial’

 Maths - Please complete the adding and subtracting fractions on Purple Mash- take care making sure you read the correct operation and sometimes there may be more than one answer?

Year 6 Homework Friday 9th September

Homework should be completed and brought back to school for the following Thursday

Homework books - Please personalize/ cover your homework book to tells me something about you.

 English - Reading - Read, read, read, read every single day! Whilst you are reading can you collect nouns in your homework book? Think about whether they are proper, common or an abstract noun.


 Optional Homework

Have you never been a Class Councillor? Would you like this opportunity in your final year at Our Lady’s? Now is your chance …

If you would like to be considered in our class votes then you need to prepare a short speech, presentation or poster that outlines why your class should vote for you and why you would be good at the job. We are voting next Wednesday, so make sure you prepare and bring in everything you need before this day.