Lots of little tasks this week!
1.Our Shakespeare play, the Tempest
Continue to practise your part - ensuring you can deliver with expression.
2. Maths - practice 6x table on TT rockstars
3. Daily screen time Record card -Starting from Monday, please record your screen time each day, on the screen time record card given. This is to be brought in on our online safety day on Tuesday 7th February. Please be honest - there is no judgement - just a learning experience to be had on the day!
4. Homophones mark the teacher sheet - simply tick or cross whether I spelt the homophone right or wrong! Write the correct word if incorrect. Spelling test on a selcetion of these next Wednesday
5. Reading homework.
This week’s skill: Use the punctuation when reading:
This means:
When reading a paragraph to your grown-up - it sounds obvious but stop at the full stops! Start a new sentence with a new tone - its a new mini story. Use commas for a mini pause too
Parent grade: (are we improving the following…)
1. reading each word correctly and accurately
2. reading in an interesting voice
3. reading at a decent pace - not too fast or slow.
4. Ability to use punctuation
Optional Competition set by Mrs Gregan - to be in on Monday 6th February