Year 1 Homework 26.5.23

We have been working on accurate reading rather than speedy reading in preparation for our Phonics screening, there are three things to remember: special friends (ai, igh, o-e), Fred Talk(sound it out loud), read the word. I have given everyone flashcards to practise their accurate reading it is not a race, it is important that they take their time, find the special friends first and say each sound this will help them blend properly. Try and practice words with chatty friends ( a-e, e-e, o-e, i-e, u-e) these are harder to find and alien words as we want to make then into real words. Words like whike, stroke, smung and spran are tricky as sometimes the children want to add extra letters (smung: smug/ suming, spran: sprant, or mix up ‘ro’ and ‘or’ stroke: storke). If you have any questions please email me and I can help.

Here are some more flashcards that you can use, if needed. There is no need to print them off you can show them on an iPad or computer.

Spellings will continue after half term so your child can focus on their phonics, please access these helpful resources below and use the websites the children love playing the games. If you any extra support, information please email me and I can help you.

 Thank you for all of your support the children have made so much progress this year and I am incredibly proud of them :)

Have a lovely break.

Miss Drummond

Year 1 Homework 19.5.23

Please continue to read as much as possible at home. Unfortunately due to staff illness and time we have been unable to change all the books. If your books haven’t been changed we will change them on Monday.

I have sent home a Phonics sorting game for you to complete together at home. Ask your child to put their scanning goggles on to look for the special friends (ai, air, ire etc), chatty friends (a-e, e-e, o-e ect) and cluster blends (two or more consonants together, separate sounds that you squish together e.g. g-r gr. Please encourage your child to Fred talk, (sound it out loud) then say the word. Even if they are confident readers, this will help them during their Phonics screening, it’s very easy to make simple mistakes because they are rushing. It is important that they take their time so they are accurate with their reading and when reading alien/nonsense words that they read them carefully and don’t turn them into real words. They have been working very hard on this in their RWI sessions :).

Spellings will continue after half term so your child can focus on their phonics, please access these helpful resources below and use the websites the children love playing the games. If you any extra support, information or need anything printing off please email me and I can help you.

 Thank you for all of your support the children have made so much progress this year and I am incredibly proud of them :)

Miss Drummond

Year 1 Homework 12.5.23

Please continue to read as much as possible at home. I have sent home some Phonics screening practise words cards, you can cut them up and hide them around the house, turn then over and read them, use them as flashcards, read then colour, its up to you. Encourage your child to Fred talk, (sound it out loud) or Fred in your head (sound it out in your head) then say the word. It is important that they take their time so they are accurate with their reading and when reading alien/nonsense words that they read them carefully and don’t turn them into real words. Can they use their goggles to spot the special friends, chatty friends and cluster blends (two or more consonants together, separate sounds that you squish together e.g. g-r gr)? We are getting very good at this.

Please practise these following spellings our test will be on Friday: 

there   today  one 

be  your

 Thank you

Miss Drummond

Year 1 Homework 5.5.23

Royal Family Challenge

I have set for your homework a challenge to do some research and find an interesting fact about the royal family that you can share with the class. You can be as creative as you like and think about how you might display, present or share this interesting fact in class. You might want to build a model that explains your fact, you could draw a picture and write your fact like a fact file, you might even want to make a video like a news report!

Please bring you interesting fact into school by Thursday 11th May (or if it’s ready before that’s fine too!).

We would also love to hear if you did anything exciting over the weekend to celebrate the cornonation.

Please practise these following spellings our test will be on Friday:

push   school   where  

friend  ask  once 

 Thank you

Miss Drummond

Year 1 Homework 28.4.23

Please can you go on Purple Mash, please keep practising logging on and off and complete the house activity and tell your child the following instructions:

(1) Paint the chimney using cookie dough.

(2) Paint the roof using jellybeans.

(3) Paint the door using chocolate.

(4) Paint the walls using sprinkles.

(5) Leave the windows unpainted.

Please practise these following spellings our test will be on Friday:

our house pull

love come put

 Thank you

Miss Drummond

Year 1 Homework 21.4.23

Please can you go on Purple Mash and complete the shape activity and go on a shape hunt what shapes can you see? We have been focusing on the 2D shapes: triangles (3 vertices, 3 straight sides), circles (1 continuous curved side, 0 vertices), square rectangles (4 vertices and 4 straight sides all the same length) and oblong rectangles (4 vertices, 4 straight sides 2 shorter and 2 longer). 3D shapes: cubes, cuboids, cylinders, spheres, pyramids and cones.

Please practise these following spellings our test will be on Friday:

my were says

are said here

 Thank you

Miss Drummond

Year 1 Homework 6.4.23

The children have worked incredibly hard this half term, I am so proud of them and the progress they have made. My homework is to rest and enjoy your break. If you get chance, it would be lovely to hear what you have been up to during the Easter Holidays and write a few sentences to share with the class :)

Unfortunately, I have not managed to complete a mock phonics screening with all the children due to our unexpected visitors. So, I will complete these after Easter and send packs home for you to help support your child at home. Don’t forget you can use all the resources on the ‘help your child at home’ to practise.

Please continue to read, we have put some extra books in their folders :)

 Thank you

Miss Drummond

Year 1 Homework 31.3.23

I would just like to say a huge thank you for your hard work and enthusiasm with the reading challenge. The children are really engaged and excited to tell us all about their reading.

We have more bronze and some silver awardees this week well done! Keep reading lots at home and sign in the challenge boxes.

It was our big spelling test today well done, the children worked very hard :) the spelling will continue after the Easter break.

I have made a homework sheet to help you practise the maths at home there are a few cherry diagrams and 1 more and 1 less questions, keep practising the different parts of five: 5 and 0, 4 and 1, 3 and 2, 1 and 4, 0 and 5, 2 and 3, 3 and 2 and 1 and 4. Use your homework books to practise too, all the children can draw their own cherry part-part-whole diagrams :).

Year 1 Homework 24.3.23

I would just like to say a huge thank you for your hard work and enthusiasm with the reading challenge. The children are really engaged and excited to tell us all about their reading.

Year 1 Homework 17.3.23

I would just like to say a huge thank you for your hard work and enthusiasm with the reading challenge. The children are really engaged and excited to tell us all about their reading.

Please can you continue practise the assembly lines, they have been brilliant, we have been practising using a loud clear voice. We have been learning how to sign the Hail Mary, the children have picked it up very quickly. Please click on the link for the video to help them practise.

Hail Mary

This is our big spelling test with all the words we have learnt so far as there are 22 spellings the test will be on Friday 31st March this gives you a few weeks to practise at home:

a do  I is has no so go by the was

she of he to his we full me some they you

Please continue to use IXL:

These activites will help develop their flunecy, these are ongoing tasks I am also happy for you to try other actvities.

Numbers and counting up to 10

Identify numbers - up to 10

Learn to count to 10

Count to 10

Count using stickers - up to 10

Count cubes - up to 10

Show numbers with cubes - up to 10

Count on ten frames - up to 10

Show numbers on ten frames - up to 10

Represent numbers - up to 10

One more with pictures - up to 10

One more on frames - up to 10

One more - up to 10

One less with pictures - up to 10

One less on frames - up to 10

One more and one less with pictures - up to 10

One more and one less on frames - up to 10

Count up and down - up to 10

Count to fill a ten frame

Tally marks - up to 10

Number lines - up to 10

Before, after and between - up to 10

Count forward and backward - up to 10

Convert from words to digits - up to 10

Convert from digits to words - up to 10

Write digits given words - up to 10

Write words given digits - up to 10

Complete a sequence - up to 10

Ordinal numbers - up to tenth

 Thank you

Miss Drummond

Year 1 Homework 10.3.23

 Thank you for all the reading you have done this week, it has been lovely to see how excited the children are.

Please can you continue practise the assembly lines, we have been learning how to sign the Hail Mary, the children have picked it up very quickly. Please click on the link for the video to help them practise. If you haven’t already please can you email me a picture of you (mum) and your child. Thank you for those who have :).

Hail Mary

This is our big spelling test with all the words we have learnt so far as there are 22 spellings the test will be on Friday 31st March this gives you a few weeks to practise at home:

a do  I is has no so go by the was

she of he to his we full me some they you

 Thank you

Miss Drummond

Year 1 Homework 3.3.23

 Thank you for all the reading you have done this week, it has been lovely to see how excited the children are.

Please can you practise the assembly lines, we have been learning how to sign the Hail Mary, the children have picked it up very quickly. Please click on the link for the video to help them practise. If you haven’t already please can you email me a picture of you (mum) and your child. Thank you for those who have :).

Hail Mary

The spellings ths week are:

of his  full

some they you

Thank you

Miss Drummond

Year 1 Homework 24.2.23

 Thank you to everyone who managed to come to the Phonics stay and play, it was a lovely morning on Tuesday and Thursday and it was great to be able to catch up and answer any questions. I have uploaded all the activities in the how to help you child area. Please note some are folders so they need to be opened on a laptop to access. If you have any issues please email me and I will help or email you a copy. If there is anything else you need please let me know.

For your homework this week I would love for you to talk to your children about the reading/phonics challenge and have a go, remember a phonics activity can be included as your 10 min reading session, mix it up! I have shown them the certificates today and they are excited. Once again thank you for your support it’s amazing how much progress children make when we work together.

The spellings ths week are:

do is has

by was so

Don’t forget World Book Day is on Thursday 3rd March, I’m excited to see who everyone will be!

Thank you

Miss Drummond

Year 1 Homework 10.2.23

I would love to hear what you have been up to during the hoildays, please encourage your child to write a few sentences independently, in their purple homework books.

 We have listened to everyone read in school this week and all books have been changed, please can you continue reading at home, thank you.

I have changed how we are going to have our spelling tests, to encourage the children I have made some spelling certificates you will receive a copy of their spelling test so you can see how they have done. Please click on the button for more information.

Two creative tasks for you to do over half term:  

  1. Today we went into Year 5 to meet our partners and talk about our likes and interests. Please can you design and make a special Lenten box for your Year 5 partner. Their name is in their reading folder or you can send me an email if you are not sure. This needs to be a specially designed and decorated container that you can give to your partner the first week back after half term ready for them to take home and collect money during lent for our chosen charity. Think about what your partner likes and what their interests are, or you can have an Easter/ Lenten theme: eggs, the cross, chicks, flowers etc, this may help you when planning what to do. You could make your box out of any plastic container, cardboard box, it is up to you- just make sure it is fully cleaned out first! I’m excited to see your designs 😊 

  2. World Book Day is on Thursday 3rd March, start thinking about what character you would like to become. Be creative with what you have!  

Thank you

Miss Drummond

Year 1 Homework 3.2.23

This week we continued our computing sessions please continue to practise logging on and off purple mash.

On Wednesday we are going to church for our RE topic to watch an exemplar baptism and learn about the features of a church. We have thought of some questions for Father Peter too.

For your homework, I would love it if you could bring in a picture of you when you were baptised (these can be stuck in homework books or I can photocopy in school to stick in) and a bit of information about what happened during the day. Or find out some information about baptisms what happens? Please could this be done for Monday as this is when our next RE lesson is.

We have listened to everyone read in school this week and all books have been changed, please can you continue reading at home, thank you.

Next weeks spellings are:

other brother would

should mother could

You can use your homework book to practise these spellings, the children will be tested on Friday.


Competition set by Mrs Gregan - to be in on Monday 6th February (optional)

Thank you

Miss Drummond

Year 1 Homework 27.1.23

This week we have started our computing sessions please continue to practise logging on and off purple mash and complete the 2do. This is to paint a picture of something you have done over the weekend. It would be lovely to share this in class. The children have loved seeing their work on the board and have enjoyed using purple mash. This is due on Thursday

We have listened to everyone read in school this week and all books have been changed, please can you continue reading at home, thank you.

Next weeks spellings are:

school house call

now I’m I’ve

You can use your homework book to practise these spellings, the children will be tested on Friday.


Competition set by Mrs Gregan - to be in on Monday 6th February (optional)

Thank you

Miss Drummond

Year 1 Homework 20.1.23

This week we have been learning about materials in science, please can you log on to Purple Mash and complete the 2Do Describing Everyday Materials.

We have listened to everyone read in school this week and all books have been changed, please can you continue reading at home, thank you.

I am very sorry it has been a busy week this week, so we didn’t get chance to have our spelling test today.

Please continue to practise these spellings:

where when why

how who here

You can use your homework book to practise these spellings.

Thank you

Miss Drummond

Year 1 Homework 13.1.23

Please can you continue focusing on reading and spelling this week. We are starting our ICT next week so if you could practise logging on and off Purple Mash that would be really helpful.

We listened to everyone read in school this week and all books have been changed, thank you for those who read reguarly at home we are seeing a huge difference.

So we know you have read with your child please sign in their reading record if they have read a few pages write where you read to so we can continue at school. Thank you.

The spellings this week are:

where when why

how who here

You can use your homework book to practise these spellings.

Thank you

Miss Drummond

Year 1 Homework 6.1.23

Thank you for those who have decorated their homework books and brought them in, if you haven’t please could you decorate and bring back next week. I have two books in school without names so if yours is missing please let me know and I will write names on and give back to your child :).

Please can you focus on reading and spelling this week, it is really improtant that your child reads regularly at home aiming for at least 30 mins per day. Start with a few minutes then build it up each week. We are starting to test the children on their book using Accerated Reader in school and I will let you know their test days. We will also try and listen to your child read at least once a week in school. So we know you have read with your child please sign in their reading record if they have read a few pages write where you read to so we can continue at school. Thank you.

Here are some whys you can support your child at home with their reading.

The spellings this week are:

have little saw

do our out

You can use your homework book to practise the spellings.

Thank you

Miss Drummond