Year 1 Homework 26.1.24

I would like you to focus on reading and spellings this week, it makes a huge difference if you can read regularly at home. The children are becoming more confident recognising their sounds. You can watch the RWI videos that are in your child’s reading folders, email me if you need the QR codes again. This will help them consolidate their sounds and then they can apply their knowledge when they are reading, you can play games like can you find any words with the ‘ay’ sound in your book etc. This extra reading will help them become speedy readers.


Please keep reading as much as possible and please can you ensure that your child’s reading folder comes in to school every day. As we aim to listen to all children read to an adult at least once a week, change their books and quiz. We are aiming to develop fluency so keep reading little and often.


It’s our big spelling test, these consists of all the words we have learnt so far:

a do I is to

has no so go by the

was she of he his

we full me some they you

As there are 22 spellings our test will be on Thursday 8th February this should give you enough time to practise.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Drummond