Year 1 Weekly Blog 26.1.24 ‘Of all possessions, a friend is the most precious.’

‘Of all possessions, a friend is the most precious.’


In RE we have discovered how Jesus chose his first disciples, thinking about why he cared about them and wanted them to be his friends. We made a card for our friends in class, I gave each child a friend and they wrote why they were friends and what they enjoyed doing together. It was lovely to hear all the kind comments and see how much effort every child put into their card. They were excited to share their card with their friends.

Maths: We are revisiting parts and wholes.

We had playdough and had to listen to my specific instructions:

· Cut your playdough so you have two parts that are different sizes.

· Cut your playdough so you have two parts that are about the same size.

· How can you cut your playdough to give you the biggest possible part? what do you notice? we found out we had one large part and one small part.

· If we put our playdough together will it be whole? We combined the parts to make a whole.

· Can you cut your playdough in more than three parts? Some managed 40!

· I then asked a challenge question can you cut your playdough so one part is bigger than the whole? We realised that this was impossible!


Science: We looked at different materials and grouped them based on their properties. We learnt different actions for each one see if your child can remember the actions for: opaque, transparent, bendy, not bendy, waterproof, absorbent, not absorbent, shiny, dull, soft, hard, smooth, rough and stretchy.

English: We started to read ‘Where the Wild Things Are’ this week and wrote questions about the book. We have also had to use our comprehension skills to answer questions from the story, writing our answers in a sentence. We also had to put punctuation in the correct place thinking do I need a full stop, question mark or exclamation mark?

Show and Tell

Show and Tell is on Fridays, please can you ensure that your child brings something suitable for it (not toys). This can be something they have made, awards or certificates, photos of somewhere they have been (I am happy for them to be emailed to me) or something that is special to them that they can talk about. I would like it to be an opportunity for them to share something they are proud of and a chance to celebrate, not bringing anything in without thought. They don’t need to bring something every week, this gives all children the chance and time to share.

Library Trip

On Tuesday 30th January we are going to the library, if you would like your child to choose a book please bring their card in.

Phonics Stay and Play

We are delighted to invite grown ups to our Phonics stay and play. These will take place on Wednesday 7th February and Thursday 8th February at 9:15-10:15.

Please click on the link below to find your date

Let’s Celebrate:

Lunchtime awards:

Well done to Toby for being a Role Model and Frank for his Marvellous Manners

Well done to our certificate awardees: two ‘Sadie Spiders’ for Oscar and Freddie for their determination in RWI and challenging themselves in science.

This person is taking Henry home for his love of reading, it has been a joy to see you excitement and enjoyment of reading challenging yourself to read more difficult text, well done :).


  • Polite reminder that all children across school should bring water in their bottles and not juice. This is something that we discuss regularly in school as part of our discussions about healthy snacks and healthy lunches.

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me at:

Thank you for all of your support 

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Drummond, Mrs Carragher and Mrs Davis