This week in year 4, we have reflected on the beginning of Lent and children have thought about the 3 main principles, Almsgiving, fasting and prayer. On Wedensday children went to church to mark Ash Wednesday. They sung beautifully and helped their Year 2 partners reflect too. Then they swapped their Lenten boxes. Please encourage children to do little chores to help around the house and give them a few pennies to fill it up over Lent.
In My Happy Mind lessons this week, children started a new topic ;Relate.’ This began by thinking about how we relate to others differently according to their personalities and strengths.
On Tuesday, children had their First session to prepare for Reconciliation. Please help them to complete the first part of the book - see homework. This can be a really special thing to do together.
On Wednesday, we had five members of the class at ‘The Big Sing.’ I know Miss Woodend was so proud of you. You sung brilliantly and were all role models. Also on Wednesday, children prepared a reading for the youngest members of our school for our World Book Day. This was a sponsored event for our Class Charity - Encephalitis International. Thank you so much for supporting us in this event. Children were amazing! I had to compile a little video below to show you their beautiful story reading in our newly created library. Also the children looked fantastic on World book day - thank you so much for all your efforts. They had a lovely day of reading. We also practised our Shakespeare in the hall in costume - see pics below!
Our Geography this half term is all about Environmental Regions. This week, children learned about the 4 main regions of Europe. They grew more familiar with capital cities when they had to plan a trip through Europe visiting cities from all environmental regions.
In History, we have studied where the Anglo-Saxons came from and reasons why they came to settle here - we call these push and pull factors.
Conversation starters
Have a look at a map of Europe together. Have you been anywhere there? Which cities have you visited? Why does Italy have 3 different environmental regions within it?
My Happy mind
What does it mean if you can relate to people?
Let’s Celebrate!
This week, the learning certificate goes to George C. Another double whammy certificate of Kiki Chameleon and Cooper Crab! You have become such an attentive listener and such a kind, calm, creative member of the class. Thank you for your excellent focus and respect.
This half term are virtues are Grateful and Generous . Grateful for themselves, for others and for their experiences in life and generous to others. This week Ellie-Rose receives the star for being such a kind person who is always generous and loving.
Tuesday 11th March - Second Reconciliation session 3:30-4:20 just for children this week. Please complete Making things Right booklet up to p15
World Book day sponsor form and money- please fill in and bring in as soon as possible
Shakespeare Playmaking festival Thursday 20th March
PICK UPS ARE AT M&S FRONT door at 2:45 and 7:45. Drop off there at 4:45. Six more outstanding to fill in the online form so we know who is picking up your child.
Please ensure they have costumes in school.
Friday 21st March Own clothes day and bring an Easter Egg for our Easter Egg raffle.
Monday 24th March - Our trip to Gawthorpe Hall
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Lyons and Miss Bray