On this week’s Mark 10 Mission we heard how it's forty days after Christmas and how Mary and Joseph take Jesus to the Temple to be presented. There, the Holy Family meet Simeon who has something wonderful to say about Jesus. Greg helped us to enter into the Presentation Gospel and invited us to share the light of Jesus with others. We then prayed together and sang the hymn Be Still with Sr Chiara.
Our learning this week…
English We are thoroughly enjoying reading the Iron Man, this week we have focused on finding evidence in the text. First we looked at the main characters, Hogarth and the Iron Man and wrote short statements about then. We answered lots of who, when and why questions about the events so far and learned how to back up our answers by finding evidence in the text. We were real life book detectives.
Maths -We have continued working with 3 digit number, this week we thought about how we could estimate where 3 digit numbers went on unmarked number lines. We used what we knew to mark half way between 2 numbers and used lots of description like between, less than, nearer to, before and after to estimate where our numbers should go.
Spelling - The focus spelling focus this week has been the suffix ly - spelling have been sent home in our homework books.
Science - We have been studying nutritional charts and value on foods. We played a top trumps style game where we all had our own foods to look at and identified food which have the most carbohydrates, fibre and protein. We talked about how the nutritional information on food packaging can help us make wise choices about what we eat and help us to have a balanced diet..
History - The Stone Age. Our key question this week was “ How different was life in the Stone Age when man started to farm?” We compared 2 pictures that were 4000 years apart - we spotted many differences in the way Stone age man lived and in particular how they grew food. We saw that farming had become popular and people learnt how to use animal to hlp them farm and produce more crops. We were asked to think about what had stayed the same, what small changes happened and what big changed over the 4000 year.
Computing - In our lesson we identified digital devices that were able to be used for more than one task - we found that many had several uses. We also thought about whether it was better to use a digital device or non digital device to complete a task - we thought about painting, writing a story, using a kindle and gaming devices. What do you think?
Library visit - The weather was kind to us on Wednesday, we had a lovely walk down to St.Annes library to change our reading books. Thank you to the parents who gave up their time to accompany us.
Lunchtime Awards:
Role Model: Bonnie
Marvelous Manners: Logan
Virtue - Ruth
Learner of the Week - Luca
Luca you have been such a reflective learner this week. You have made wise decisions and this has had a positive impact on your learning. It has been lovely to see your enthusiasm and this has been reflected in your independent work. Well done Luca!
Reminders and Notices
Please book parent’s day appointments on school cloud - more info can be found on Mrs Gregan’s blog.
School uniform -please ensure your child is coming into school in correct uniform or PE Kit, there been a few black jogging bottoms, leggings and bright trainers sneaking in!
Our Mini Vinnie’s are collecting warm clothing and blankets to donate to the homeless. They’re also collecting tinned soups during the month of January for our local food bank, any donations will be greatly appreciated.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Naylor and Miss Hennessy