Year One Weekly Blog - 14th February

Magic moments


Our class liturgy this week was based around the book Noah’s Ark. We read the book together and discussed why we think God flooded the Earth. We then sang my lighthouse together.

We discussed Jesus being the light of the world for all people. The children discussed how they feel in the dark, worried, frightened, sad, but no matter how dark it is and how worried we may be, Jesus is always with us. Especially in these times. We discussed the different ways that Jesus brought happiness to people when he was on Earth and what we could do ourselves to spread joy and happiness in our families and community.

The children ended their half term with a visit to Church for mass, where they discussed the jubilee year and how we are pilgrims of hope.

Conversation starter - what could you do as a family to bring joy to others?

English and Maths

This week was a week of independent writing. The children rewrote their versions of Where The Wild Things Are independently and blew off the socks of the adult that they worked with. Their progress already has been huge and we are only half way through the year! I can’t wait to see what they can do by the end.

We learnt more about time this week, we began looking at clock faces and learning what the numbers mean and what each hand is for. We learnt that not all clocks look the same, but they all do the same job. We labelled some clocks and drew our own and even managed to tell the time by the hour.


What a great week we had for science, this was the week of our trip and what a brilliant day it was! The children spent the whole day smiling, laughing and being curious. We started off our morning in the discovery classroom wowing the zookeepers with our knowledge of animal types. There were 5 stations all set up for the children to explore including making flower bombs, matching the feather to the bird and using magnifying glasses to look at insects and snake skin! We had our lunch out on the picnic benches (brr) and spent the afternoon exploring and seeing everything the zoo had to offer. Much to my dismay (as I’m not too fond of things flying round my head), the bat cave was a firm favourite and the children wanted to spend most of their time in there. With the resident sloth coming in at a very close second. The children were able to bring a tooth home that they excavated themselves and a free ticket for them to go again in the future.

Conversation starter : What was the name of the funny animal we saw when eating our dinner?

Going Deeper…

HRSE - This was the week of e-safety, how can we be safe on the internet? Please ensure that you know what the children have access to on their devices to ensure their safety. There has been a lot of talk about “huggy wuggys” on the playground and I know there has been problems with these characters recently on social media.

My Happy Mind - Can you set one goal that you want to achieve in the next week?

Make a plan, achieve it and tell us all about it when we come back to school!

Lets celebrate!

Happy Valentines day to everyone, I hope you all enjoy the day with your special people, what a lovely day to have as our first day as half term!

Our lunchtime winners this week are Eliza and Poppy. Well done you two!

A big well done to all the children who are flying already on our reading challenge! We have some exciting things planned for when all the children reach the platinum planet. We are so proud of your fantastic reading.

Thank you to all of you who have chatted with me today on the progress of your little people, lets celebrate them and their fantastic progress today and all through the week!

Important information and reminders.

The tea dance will be held on Tuesday 11th March at the Marine Hall, starting at 12.30pm. I am aware that tickets for this sold out quickly so many of you may not have been able to get hold of one. Do not worry, myself and Mrs Gregan have spoken about this and we will hold a coffee morning at school where you are able to come in, bring anyone you like and watch the dance be performed. The children have been practising and it is looking great! We will be travelling via coach to and from The Marine Hall, there is a fee live on parent pay for this.

Some dates for your diaries:

  • INSET Day Monday 24th February

  • Maths Hub talk and play - 26th February 9.15am

  • World book day 6th March - poster on Mrs Gregan’s blog all about this

  • Year One Tea Dance 11th March 12.30pm

  • Phonics Stay and Play - Monday 17th March at 2.15pm OR Tuesday 18th March at 9am.

  • School pictures - Wednesday 2nd April

  • Family Mass - Sunday 6th April

MATHS MASTERY FOR PARENTS -We have become part of the Maths Mastery Parents Project with the Maths Hub. We are running fun maths workshops for parents in Reception Year 1 and Year 2. This project aims to enhance and further parental engagement in mathematics. We are inviting parents into school to learn games alongside their children - these games will then be taken home straight away and in the following weeks as part of each classes home learning. Please complete the booking form below and pop the date for your child in your diary:

Reception: Wednesday 9:00 -9:50 am 12th February

Year 1: Wednesday 9:00- 9:50 am 26th February

Year 2: Wednesday 2:10pm- 3:20 am 26th February

I hope you have an enjoyable and restful week and look forward to seeing you on Tuesday 25th February.