Word meanings
These are the words we have explored the meaning of this week. Can you tell your parents what they mean?
This week we have our normal spelling sheets, with our rule to practise too. We are looking at spelling comparative and superlative adjectives and the rules involved.
Over a third of the class have now gone green which means they can recall all times tables in less than 4 seconds.
TTrockstars working on going green - keep practising in the garage to turn your heatmap green. The more effort you put in, the more you are teaching your brain to recall facts.
Gone green - If you have turned your heatmap green, practise in the studio now to raise your rockstar status. Or you can go on multiplayer and select Rockslam. Challenge someone else who has gone green to a speed match!
This week we have learned the key facts 3 x 8 = 24 and 4 x 6 = 24. What is the same? What is different about these 2 facts?
We will Rock You on Charanga
Optional Home Learning - Spring
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