Roll up! Roll up! Year 5 & 6 Play Tickets on sale this week

The hall is alive with singing, dancing and acting as our Year 5 & 6 children are busy preparing for their end of year performance.

They will be performing across 3 different days and times:

Monday 15th July - 6pm

Tuesday 16th July - 9.30am

Tuesday 16th July - 6pm

Each family will initially be allocated 3 tickets across all three performances; with additional tickets going on a waiting list. Once we know all children across the two year groups have the tickets they are allocated to, we can then release the remainders to the waiting list. Tickets are £3 each.

From Wednesday, Mrs Nel will be selling tickets from the school office. Please come knowing what tickets you require and with the correct money in cash.

You are in for such a treat!