Year 5 Homework- Due Thursday 20th June

Compulsory Homework


  1. sacrifice

  2. secretary

  3. shoulder

  4. signature

  5. sincere

  6. sincerely

  7. solider

  8. stomach

  9. sufficient

  10. suggest

  11. symbol

  12. system


Congratulations if you have ‘Gone Green’ on TTRS. Many of you are so close to getting green so keep practicing. If you are already green, focus on getting your time down to under one second- you know what the score to beat is! Check the new TTRS scoreboard just outside the create room.


Final reading target of the year! Let’s go out with a bang and reach our target to top off an excellent year of reading. The children will receive their new ZPD codes on Monday to help them pick books when in the library.