Year 5 Weekly Blog 24.05.24- ‘Humility has the ability to protect our common home’- Pope Francis

What a half term it has been! 5 down and 1 to go. With a very busy end to the week, we had to make sure the start was filled with lots of learning (which it was). In English, after learning and retrieving the features of an article, the children analysed some real life newspapers in order to find each of the features. The fun came with trying to decrypt the headlines by using our reading skills to work out the puns.

In Maths, we finished our conversion of metres, centimetres and millimetres and then used this knowledge to work with litres and millilitres. We also finished our history topic of crime and punishment- where we looked at modern day crimes and how they have impacted society and affected our prison population.

Thursday was a jam-packed day, with us having another visit of Frazier from Fylde Rangers. The class were tasked with trimming and organising our environmental garden in preparations for a potential forest school next year. The children also spent the day prepping for their cooking day after half term, with some tasting I believe taking place.

We finished the week with a CAFOD themed day, with a lovely visit from Diane, to show the children the importance of their fundraising and how their choices can impact communities around the world.

Let’s Celebrate

With us coming to the end of a half term, the children voted on their half termly certificate winners. The focus was engagement in lessons and how well they respond to teacher input. The children have voted for…

Rafe and Bella

  • Virtue Butterflies- Our virtues for this half term are learned and wise. Our butterfly goes to Riley. I love the way you play at out on the playground and how you use your creativity to have fun. It is so joyful when you play with children in younger year groups.

    Lunchtime Certificates

    • Marvellous Manners- Roseanna

    • Role Model of the Week- Ola


  • Homework- Please check the homework blog for over half term.

  • Half Term- School to close for half on Friday 24th May at normal time. School will reopen on Monday 10th June.

  • Tuesday 11th June Sports Day- This will be the second day back after half term so feel free to practice the events over half term. The events and set up will be identical to last year- starting at 1:30-3:00.

  • Friday 14th June Swimming Gala- Due to our longer half term and availability at the YMCA pools, we won’t be able to host a trails morning to take race times in order to pick our swimmers for the gala. Therefore, the children who have registered an interest in taking part are to record their own times for freestyle (front crawl), backstroke and breaststroke. It will just be one length of a regular sized swimming pool (25m). Please can a parent or guardian record these times and then let me know their time either via email or written down and brought into school. Ideally, can these times be completed before half term but anytime over half term is great- allowing us to collect everyone’s times and choose who will be competing.

  • Monday 17th June Jim Jam Jog- Sponsorship forms have gone out to all children. Get fundraising for a brilliant cause. Money to be brought in on Jim Jam Jog Day.

  • Music Wider Opportunities- For the past year, your child has learnt a musical instrument as part of the Wider Opportunity Scheme in school. For our Year 4 children it has been the flute, and for Year 5, the clarinet. As your child progresses to their next class, there will be the opportunity for them to continue to learn the instrument that they have learnt this year, in small groups, if they choose to do so. If your child wants to continue, there will be a cost to these sessions. That will be worked out once we know how many children want to continue their instruments into the next year. 

    Please complete the form below as an expression of interest.