Magic moments
We have now welcomed the Jubilee Year at Our Lady’s and this is something we have been learning about in class and in assembly. The Pope opens 4 doors of hope in the Jubilee year and this is something we are taking part in at school, each class has turned their door into their own door of hope. I asked the children what they think makes a door welcoming, they said saying hello, having plants, stars and hearts, Mary and Jesus, so together we created our very own door of hope using all of those things.
We have been identifying people within stories that know Jesus is special, we read the story where Jesus chose his first disciples and asked them to follow him. We wondered why they agreed and how they might have felt when they encountered Jesus.
We have been doing lots of descriptive writing in english this week, all focused on our book “Where the Wild Things are”. We described the forest and we described the jungle using lots of interesting adjectives. We read some more of our book and began making predictions about what will happen next.
We have been crossing the tens boundary forwards and backwards this week and using our knowledge to help us find missing numbers. We also focused a lot on time this week, the children have been learning and remembering the 12 months in a year, using our display to help them find what month comes next and which one came before. We then used this knowledge to look at not only the days of the week, and the months, but also at the year as a whole.
In History this week we looked at Learie’s time in England and how he adjusted to his new life. We learnt who was a part of his family and the struggles he faced coming to England.
We have now learnt the 5 animal types! We know that there are mammals, birds, fish, reptiles and amphibians. We have been looking at what makes an animal all of those things and whether these characteristics cross over with any other animal groups. We looked at which animals were in each group and why they were there.
We ended our lesson by looking on Wild Discovery’s page to see which animals we will see on our trip next month.
Lets celebrate!
Well done to our certificate winner this week, we have had a determined and enthusiastic learner in Sophia. You have worked brilliantly this week and we are very proud of you, keep it up.
Our Virtue Star this week goes to…. Antonio! You have been so faith filled and hopeful all week, super focused and ready to learn! You are always making the right choices, Well done!
Our lunchtime winners this week are Rose, Emmett and Mia. Our role model was Mia and Rose and Emmett had excellent manners. Well done you three!
Important information and reminders.
Only a week and a half till our Science trip, I spoke to the children about it yesterday and there were some very excited children in Year One! I am going to attach a consent to travel form below, I need this to be completed by Tuesday at the latest please.
Our reading challenge started this week and the children are already loving the new display! A reminder of how to move up through the levels: We will all start at the same place and make our way through space in order to reach for the stars! To move up through the levels (and get something exciting along the way) the children have to read at home 4 times a week. This will be their Read Write Inc books that we send home, they need four signatures in their reading diary to move up a level.
Parent’s Day is being held on Friday 14th February for you all to chat to me and see how your child is doing. A reminder that the booking portal is online now and available for you to book in your slots.
Some dates for your diaries:
Family Mass Sunday 2nd February
INSET Day Monday 24th February
Maths Hub talk and play - 26th February 9am
Year One Tea Dance 11th March (I will post more information about this in the upcoming weeks - it is a performance that you will be able to come and watch)
Phonics Stay and Play either Monday 17th March at 2.15pm OR Tuesday 18th March at 9am.
MATHS MASTERY FOR PARENTS -We have become part of the Maths Mastery Parents Project with the Maths Hub. We are running fun maths workshops for parents in Reception Year 1 and Year 2. This project aims to enhance and further parental engagement in mathematics. We are inviting parents into school to learn games alongside their children - these games will then be taken home straight away and in the following weeks as part of each classes home learning. Please complete the booking form below and pop the date for your child in your diary:
Reception: Wednesday 9:00 -9:50 am 12th February
Year 1: Wednesday 9:00- 9:50 am 26th February
Year 2: Wednesday 2:10pm- 3:20 am 26th February
I hope you have an enjoyable and restful weekend and look forward to seeing you on Monday morning.