Year 3 Weekly Blog 12.1.24 - Just like a caterpillar transforms into a butterfly, every New Year is a chance for you to spread your wings

The first week back after a break is never easy, but we’re so proud of the determination and positivity the children have shown this week. Despite the mornings being cold and dark, the children have been coming into school every morning smiling and raring to go. This week has been Miss Slater’s and Mrs Ely’s first week with year 3 and the children have made them feel so welcome as we knew they would. On Wednesday we went to church for new year mass, as always the children we impeccably behaved and their singing was beautiful - there are some amazing singing voices in our class, the school choir is in for a treat next year!

In English we have started our Iron Man topic, we have read the poem The Coming of The Iron Man by Brenda Williams and started to read the first chapter of the book by Ted Hughes. We have picked out tricky words and found their meaning to make sure we have a really good understanding, we’ve also been talking about how the author uses words and language to imply what has happened without actually saying it. We used our detective skills to pick out description of the Iron Man in both text and we will be using this to draw our own Iron Man pictures - we can’t wait to see the children’s interpretations.

In Maths we have been learning about equal and unequal parts. This will form the foundation for our fractions topic. Times tables are still a daily focus, the more focus aloud, on paper and on TT Rockstars the better! We’ve also been looking at 3 digit numbers right up to 1000, revisiting partitioning and making sure we know the value of each digit. It’s really important that children are secure with place value and number ordering so we can build on this later on - it would be great if you could practise at home just by asking question like…in the number 345, what is the value of the 4? (40) Or you could try asking for a number that has 3 tens or 7 ones - these open ended questions really encourage deeper thinking.

Our Computing topic this half term is Email, this week we talked about communication and how we communicate - the children came up with loads of ideas including walkie talkies, voice calls, video calls, sign language and text messaging. They worked in pairs to create a mind map on Purple Mash showing the advantages and disadvantages of each method of communication. Some great paired learning went on and it was lovely to hear the children chatting, sharing and encouraging each other.

In Geography we have begun our learning about Italy. We revisited the seven continents and located where Italy is in the world. The children are growing in confidence using a map to answer questions.

In RHE, we talked about emotional well-being and how feelings can be confusing. As a class we came up with strategies to support out emotional well-being when we are having yukky feelings. Please ask your child what they came up with to help them.

In French we challenged the children to play snakes and ladders but they were only allowed to say the number they rolled in French! What a giggle we had!

We have started our Electricity topic in science as a class we identified items in our classroom and our homes that use electricity, we talked about how appliances and devices that we charge have a battery that stores electricity just like smaller items eg tv remotes, clocks and some watches. We thought about what we wouold miss the most of we had no electricity - you can probably guess the most popular answers. The children have been tasked with making an electricity safety poster as homework -take a look at our home learning page, there’s a link to an informative video to help.

Our focus in PE this half term is netball, it was very cold on Monday afternoon for our outdoor lesson but the children didn’t let that stop them having a great PE lesson. Children can wear gloves and hats during our PE lesson so please do send them in, it’s no fun catching a netball with cold fingers!
Reminder - our swimming lessons are now on Tuesday morning, our pool time is 9am which means a little earlier start to the school day. Thank you for being so organised this week and making sure the children arrived at school early ready to go straight to the YMCA.


Lena - Lena, you have been such a positive Bobby Bee this week. It’s been wonderful to see you believing in yourself and being proud of your achievements too. You have set yourself goals for your times tables and know that you can achieve anything you set your mind to. Well done Lena, we believe in you!

George C - You have been a focused learner this week. you have made sensible choices which has meant you have got the most out of every learning opportunity. You have shown consideration and kindness in and out of the classroom, not only to your friends but to adults around school too. Keep up the super work, we are proud of you.

This weeks lunchtime role model is Alice and marvelous manners was awarded to Louie.

This half term’s virtues are eloquent and truthful.

Our Virtue butterflies this week have been awarded to Bea and Rodnie.


  • Swimming Lessons - Lessons will now be on a Tuesday morning, children should be in school at 8.30am giving us time to get the the YMCA and change before our 9am lesson.

  • Library Visit - We will be visiting St Annes library on Thursday afternoon - children may bring their library cards and library books they wish to change.

Happy New Year!

Mrs Naylor, Mrs Marshall, Miss Slater and Mrs Ely