Year 5 Weekly Blog 12.01.23- ' Every time you tear a leaf of a calendar, you present a new place for new ideas''

A Happy New Year to you all and it has been a brilliant first school week of 2024. Learning has begun straight from the first minute and has not stopped all week. The children have settled back in really well and have picked the school routines back up very quickly.

We kicked off the week with a Geography themed day with the focus being all things North America. The children used the atlas’ to recap the continents of the world and to also identify the countries of North America. This was then followed by some additional research into the USA and how it is separated into states.

On Tuesday, we began our eagerly anticipated space topic in Science. We discussed what we already knew about space and any curious questions that we want to find out. This was helped by the inflatable planets up in our classroom- which was the focus for lesson as we discussed the planets that make up our solar system and learning the correct order of these.

On Wednesday, we started our new writing topic of Sci-Fi, where we looking at all the different components of sci fi and reenacted a specific sci-fi story. We then looked at how we could improve the writing of this story and how we could add more description. In RHE, we looked at the feeling of ‘under pressure’ and how this might look in different social scenarios. We then used role play to show the different ways of implementing pressure both spoken and unspoken.

The focus for PE this week was to prepare for the upcoming athletics tournament next week. The children had a go at attempting all of the events in the competition and there scores were recorded in order for them to try and beat their best score.

We finished the week off by starting our new class novel- ‘The Windrush Child’. This book is based on the true story of many children a part of the Windrush generation. The book focuses on the struggles of foreign families living abroad and how racism has impacted their lives. The girls football team also got to play their rearranged tournament. The girls battled the cold conditions and played excellently- drawing 1, losing 1 and winning 4 games.

Let’s Celebrate

  • Rex for being an enthusiastic learner: Who knew how much you loved space! From the moment we started our new science topic, you have shown such excitement and focus for this area of learning. You have also contributed to our lesson by providing your own knowledge to our discussions. This has been brilliant to see!

  • Cora for being a determined learner: It is clear to see that you have been practicing your times tables over the holidays as you have become speedier and more fluent when practicing this week. You have been focusing on those trickier times tables and using what you know to work out what you don’t know. Great Work!

  • Virtue Butterflies: Our new virtues for the half term are eloquent and truthful. Our butterfly this week goes to Esther for being so eloquent during our prayer times. You really use this time to reflect and connect with God and you do this in such a peaceful and respectful manner.

    Lunchtime Certificates

  • Role Model of the Week- Arthur

  • Marvelous Manners- Luke


  • Indoor Athletics Competition- All children taking part have been informed and information regarding this is available on the sports page.

  • Telescope- As we’ve started our space topic. Each child will have the opportunity to take our telescope home for a week to explore our universe. The telescope will go out on a Friday and will need to be returned by the following Friday.

  • Playground Blogs- Mrs Mather’s lunchtime awards will now go out on the weekly blog along with the playground blog being uploaded half termly.