Year 3 Weekly Blog 8.12.23 -Christmas enters, streaming lights joy, ringing bells of hope and singing carols of forgiveness high up in the bright air.

It’s definitely feeling Christmassy in school - the Nativity is out in the classroom, the tree is up, the lights are shining, the classes and corridors are filled with the sound of carols and the children’s eyes are twinkling with excitement and anticipation. It really is the busiest but the most wonderful time of the year!

Our first Advent worship was led by Ava, Hugo, Isaac, Emilia, Bea, Alana and George. We were so impressed with how beautifully the children spoke about the real meaning of Christmas and how we could spread the meaning to our friends and neighbours. We sang Mary did you know, one of the song we have been practising for our KS2 Nativity on Monday 18th December. Thank you children for a leading our Prayer and liturgy, you will be our Prayer monitors next week.

On Monday morning we braved the cold and walked to church with Year 6 for Advent Mass. The children were impeccably behaved, we were so proud of them.

In English, the children have been adapting the original green children story, swapping characters, colours and foods. They are nearly ready to put all the skills they have gained this half term into their own stories. I wonder if they could tell you about their adapted story ideas at home - perhaps you could think of some foods to add to their stories.

In Maths, we have been looking at products in the 4 and 8 times table. The children have learned that products in the 4 times table are half of those in the 8 times table and products in the 8 times table are double those in the 4 times table. The children have been so resilient with this learning and have used multiplication and division facts to prove their knowledge.

In History, we learned about what life was like in the Iron Age and how we know this. We learned about an Iron Age Hillfort called Danebury and all the secrets from the past that it has left behind.

Despite the cold and blustery weather we have had this week, we managed to get outside for PE on Tuesday afternoon. On Thursday we had our last swimming lesson of the term, swimming lesson will continue after Christmas. The children have come on leaps and bounds with their swimming, they have grown in confidence and ability.

On Friday we held our first Our Lady’s Bake Off. The effort and creativity that had gone into the bakes was amazing! The children celebrated each other as they judged their classmates bakes visually. The year 3 teachers then had the very lovely job of taste testing all 18 entires! Congratulations to Myles who was crowned Star Baker in Year 3 for his delicious bake that not only looked delicious but tasted even better! Thank you so much for all of the effort you have gone to at home!


Alana - For being a curious historian and a determined swimmer. Alana we have been impressed with your inference skills in history and how you have pushed yourselves in your swimming lessons. You have shown an eagerness to grow your brain and improve your skills, we are so proud of you. Keep it up Alana!

Nathan - Nathan we have been so impressed with your enthusiasm for learning this week. It’s lovely to see you enjoying lessons and making the most of all the opportunities in class. On top of this you are always so well mannered and polite. Well Done Nathan!

This half term’s virtues are faith filled and hopeful.

Our Virtue butterflies this week have been awarded to Louie and Scarlett .


  • Christmas Cards -With the aim of being sustainable, we are encouraging the children to make a card for the class and not to give out one to every child.

  • KS2 Nativity/Carol Service - Monday 18th December 2pm and 6pm at Church

  • Year 3 Christmas Party Day - Wednesday 20th December, children may come to school in their party clothes and sensible footwear. They may bring a drink (not fizzy), a packet of crisps or a chocolate bar.

  • Christmas Lunch - Wednesday 20th December

  • School closes for Christmas at 2pm on Thursday 21st December

Have a wonderful weekend,

Mrs Naylor, Mrs Marshall and Mrs Connolly