'How wonderful our world will be, thanks to this special baby boy!'

What a magical week it has been in Reception; we could not be more proud!

The children have all shone so brightly on the stage and shared God’s message beautifully. Watching them perform for the whole school and for all their grown ups and families has been a privilege's to witness; and they did it with such grace and confidence.

The whole of the Reception and Nursery teams have worked incredibly hard over the last few weeks - as have the children - but it wouldn’t have been possible without your support at home. The children had that extra boost of confidence having memorised their lines (with big clear voices!) at home.
Thank you so much for your support.

What have we been learning this week…

It’s been a busy week of nativity performances this week so we have focused on consolidating lots of skills that we have developed already. We have been channeling our inner Co-operative Roger Robin with lots of team work and problem solving activities, developing our fine motor and core strength to support our writing and using our phonics skills to decode words and instructions around the room…

Let’s Celebrate…

Each week children across the school are celebrated for demonstrating our learning characters and our school virtues. They are celebrated in class and in our Friday assemblies.

Co-Operative Roger Robin: Jaxon!
Jaxon, you are a wonderful role model and you set a brilliant example for our class and in your role as councilor - which you do with great pride. Each day we see you treating others with kindness and being respectful which makes our classroom such a caring environment. Thank you for always trying your best, thinking of others and being such a wonderful member of our Reception family!
Well done Jaxon!

Co-Operative Roger Robin: Poppy!
Poppy, you’ve shown us that you know how important it is to be a co-operative Roger Robin and how we can work together as a team to ‘solve a problem’. You are such a kind and caring friend in our class; it’s lovely to see how you take care of others and you make sure everyone is involved in the game. Thank you for taking such good care of our classroom and your friends.
Well done Poppy!

Whole School Virtue - Faithfilled & Hopeful: Reception!
Reception, you have all been messengers of God this week and shared the story of baby Jesus beautifully. Thank you reminding us of the true meaning of Christmas and for bringing us all so much joy. You should all be feeling incredibly proud of yourselves!
Well done Reception!

Important reminders:

  • In preparation for the Christmas holidays, please could all sound key chains be sent into school on Monday 11th December. We will collect and keep them in school so we can update them with all the sounds we have learnt to date. These will be sent home before the holidays for you to keep growing your brains at home. Thank for practising sounds and reading at home, it really does help us on our journey to becoming confidence and speedy readers!

    If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact Mrs Hartley

Have a wonderful weekend
God Bless,
The Reception team