Year 5 Weekly Blog 10.11.23- 'Be a rainbow in someone's cloud'

Another action packed week in Year 5 with most of the week focusing around our assembly. The children were fantastic throughout the preparation and the performance- displaying the importance of being equal and speaking up for what is right. 5 lucky members of our class had the afternoon out and Tuesday to represent the school in the Fylde Football Competition. The boys did really well, winning 2 out of their 3 group games to qualify for the FA cup round robin. The boys unfortunately didn’t win this group based cup but I am looking forward to watching them develop and improve when it comes around again next year.

We ended the week with our first eco trip of the year which was bulb planting down at Hope Park. Surprisingly, the weather was on our side and the sun was shining as we dug, planted and stomped our way down the park. Thank you to the Fylde Rangers for hosting the activity and for allowing us to help. They would like to share the photos from today on their website so if anyone does not consent to these photos going on their website then can you please let me know.

Due to lots of time out of class for assembly practice, Mrs Mather took on a whole class DT lesson, focusing on building bridge structures using every day objects.

In Science, focusing on our topic of forces, we have been measuring both the mass and weight of different objects- using a newton meter to measure the force of gravity pulling the object down.

In Maths, we have still been continuing with decimals up to hundredths but in preparation for our big multiplication topic in spring, every maths lesson will consist of a mini multiplication check to get the children’s brains ticking. This week, we have played some speedy fluency games and we have explored square numbers.

We finally got to start our outdoor PE topic this half term which is netball. The children have been able to apply some of their passing skills from other sports and apply these into our netball drills. We are hoping that the weather holds off on Wednesday afternoons so we can continue this unit!

Let’s Celebrate

  • Faye for being a reflective learner- Whenever a serious convocation or topic is covered from a teacher- weather it is during RHE, class council or an incident has occurred- you are so reflective. Although you are never involved in any wrongdoings, you listen to advice precisely and hang onto your teachers word. You’re not just a role model when it comes to your learning but also in the personal choices you make and what type of person you want to be.

  • Ella for being a focused learner - Changing seats in class and having different learning partners can often cause distractions. However, you have kept being super focused during all of our lessons this week. You have worked alongside your new learning partners excellently and have contributed to lots of class discussions.

  • Ben for being faith filled- Although you have made some wrong choices this week, you have been honest when making these and have always admitted your wrong doings. It has been your application to our assembly that has shown you are faith-filled. Your commitment to learning our class prayer and the way you delivered this was fantastic.


  • Our Lady’s Bake Off- Will take place on Friday 8th December. £3 entry fee (money goes to Brian House) and you can enter as an individual or as a family. Bakes have to be festive themed and should not contain any nut products if possible.

  • Michael’s Coat- Could we have a check a home to see if anyone has a spare long navy coat with a fluffy hood. The name inside the coat says ‘Kato.R’

  • Travelling Nativity- As it is 30 school days away from the Christmas holidays, every night a child will be sent home with a nativity set. Inside the bag, there is a list of the items included. Please could you take the time to share a moment of prayer and liturgy with your child and capture this on the camera in the bag. A text will go out each night to let you know if your child has been chosen to take the bag home.

  • Dance Festival- Takes place this Monday. All information about this is available on the sports page.

  • Curriculum Evening- Will take on Thursday 16th November 5:30pm-7:00pm. We are focusing on the wider curriculum and having a look into how subjects progress throughout the school. It would if you could come along and experience this.

  • PJ Day- Will take place on Friday 17th November. Children are to bring £1 in to raise money for Brian House and they can wear their pajamas for the day. The children can bring in one teddy from home- as long as it is reasonable size.

  • PE on Monday- Due to lots of children and members of staff being out for the dance festival, Year 5 and 6 will be joining forces for a joint PE lesson on Monday afternoon. Therefore, the children will need to be in their PE kits on Monday.