Extra-Curricular Opportunities Summer 1

Judo has been a real success story this year. We have managed to work our way through the KS2 children and can now offer the opportunity to our KS1 children, starting with Year 2, then Year 1. Judo starts this Friday and will run for the 5 weeks of this half term - 8am on Friday morning. The cost is £14 per child to be paid on Parent Pay this week - we are match-funding the other £14 in school. If you would like your child to take part, please complete the form below. Places will be confirmed tomorrow.

We can now open it up to our Year 1 children. There are 7 places for this half term and then 30 after half term. If you would like your child to take part in judo, please fill in the form. I will then allocate places across both half terms.

Further extra-curricular clubs will be announced tomorrow for other year groups.