Year 2 weekly blog -"Faith and prayer are the vitamins of the soul; man cannot live in health without them." - Mahalia Jackson.

In RE this week we have explored how mysterious God is and how he is present in so many different ways. We explained how we have different relationships with different people depending who we are to them: -daughters, son, brother sister, teacher, parents etc. We realised that we act and behave differently depending on who we are with - God is like this. He knows us so well and is ready to help and guide depending on what we need. We realised he is also inside others acting through them - spreading his love.

We have also completed our visions of Heaven (artwork) and we’re excited about these appearing in our class worship area.

Further to this, we have had two special worships this week. One to share our beautiful travelling nativity set - which Freddie had the privilege of taking home first! Then today we had a quiet reflective session in the chapel remembering all those who died in battle and thsoe who can’t find peace and safety today - may God hear our prayers

Magic moments!

Super gymnastic sequences completed on boxes, benches and ropes. We explored the manipulation of materials in science (see photos) and videoed our final “call and response “ performances in music!! Florence Nightingale visited class too!

How to help at home!

We are counting accurately up to 100. Can you practce at home especially moving through a tens boundary for example 27,28,29,30, 31. Children can find this really tricky! If you have snakes and ladders - this is the time to play!

Awards this week!

The certificates this week went to:

Super focused Freddie and resilient Henry S

Well done!

Reminders - Lots this week!

NEXT THURSDAY 16th November at 5:30pm - Curriculum Evening come and find our more about the wider curriculum!

PYJAMA DAY for BRIAN HOUSE HOSPICE next Friday 17th November - bring a £1 and a cuddly friend

On Tuesday 21st of November Year 2 will be joining Year 5 on a trip to clean the beach with the St. Annes Rangers - we will be looking for man-made materials that do not rot!!! I’m looking for volunteers to join us in this worthwhile endeavor! If you can come (12-3pm) please drop me an email thank you

NAVITY Tickets are on sale - please complete slip sent home and return

Thank you for handing in the homework books in on time - it was super easy to mark this week.

PE Tuesday and Thursday (shorts on Thursday)

8th December - the Great British Bake off competition in school - check out Mrs Gregan’s newsletter for details - exciting!

I have two sons Fergus is 18 today and tomorrow Billy turns 21!!!! I did not plan that too well. Time to celebrate together!

Have a wonderful weekend -