Year 2 weekly Blog- "A bear remains a bear – even when most of him has fallen off or worn away."

One thing that always makes you smile is seeing a small child with a much loved, worn away toy! Thank you for all you donations today!

This has been a week all about reorientating ourselves towards the coming season. The children have begun to reflect on the Christmas story and although our play is rather jolly we are not losing the message that someone very special is coming. We have learnt the prayer “the Glory Be” this week with actions - linking it to our new understanding that God comes to us in different ways: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Here we are in worship during which we listened to the Gospel and placed our thank you letters, to Mrs Grey, around the candle. She has looked after us everyday in the hall over this past year - we will miss her!

Magic Moments.

In History we pretended to be dying soldiers living in squalor - until Florence Nightingale arrived. The puppets in English were just great- so creative! We had a fantastic first rehearsal of our opening song and today we all took time out while Year 5 read to us- heaven.


Well done to Ruth and Jacob for two very well earned certificates!


Next week - Trip on Tuesday- PE Kit and warm coat, hat and gloves (really wrapped up please). Thank you to those who have volunteered to join us it is so appreciated.

Monday- Homework.

Lot going on around school - please read Mrs Gregan’s Newletter

Have a lovely weekend for the Year 2 team