'Lest We Forget'

It has been an important week of reflection across school as we have taken the time to think about Remembrance Day and why we come together as a school community to show our respect. There have been some beautiful discussions within class and the children have enjoyed making poppies using a variety of different media and material - although I do think the biscuit poppies were a firm favourite with not a crumb left in sight!

What have we been learning this week…

Phonics: This week we have learnt to read and write the sounds e, l, h and sh. and thought of words for Fred’s book that begin with these sounds. We have been practicing our blending by putting the sounds we have learnt so far into words using magnetic letters. We have been practising our reading using ‘Fred talk, read the word’.

The children have been so enthusiastic with their phonics and this is really showing as they are building their confidence with reading. On Monday, we will be sharing word books in reading packets so that they can continue to practise this at home too.

Maths: This week we met number four and explored the different ways four can be made. We represented these ways using different resources such as cubes and counters. We also began to compare quantities. We noticed that with some sets of objects it was obvious which had ‘more than’ and we didn’t need to count. We learnt the stem sentence ‘ ___ had more than ___’ and explained our reasoning.

Understanding the world: We are enjoying exploring ‘Our Wonderful World’ and are beginning to think about the differences between countries e.g. weather, languages and cultures and traditions.

Reception Stay and Play

We are looking forward to welcoming you into our classroom next week, I know the children are also excited to share this experience with you!

Travelling Nativity

Christmas is such a magical time of year and across school we take this time to reflect on the true meaning of Christmas, the birth of Jesus Christ. Over the next few weeks, each child will bring home the travelling nativity. In this bag, you will find a story book, wooden nativity figures, candle (battery operated) and a camera. The items can be used at home to re-tell the story of the nativity and the camera can be used to take any pictures or videos that you would like to share in school.

(Please do make sure all of the items are returned to the bag. The bag must be sent back into school the following day ready for the next child to take home.)

We do hope you enjoy sharing this special time of year together, the children are excited to share this in class as well!

Let’s Celebrate…

Each week children across the school are celebrated for demonstrating our learning characters and our school virtues. They are celebrated in class and in our Friday assemblies.

Focused Cooper Crab: Mary !
Mary, each week you demonstrate just how much we can achieve when we are focused. You are becoming so speedy when recognising the sounds and that fabulous focus has helped you to start blending sounds and reading words! It’s also lovely to see your face light up as you realise just how much you have achieved already.
Well done Mary!

Focused Cooper Crab: Sydney!
Sydney, it’s lovely to see how much you are enjoying being in Reception and how excited you are to keep growing your brain. You enjoy setting yourself a challenge and have noticed just how much you can accomplish. You really impressed us with your focus in phonics this week and we can see just how much you are thinking about the sounds and what words they can make when we blend them together.
 Well done Sydney!

Whole School Virtue - Faith-filled and Hopeful: Poppy!
Poppy, you have shared some beautiful ideas this week about how we can show we are grateful for Gods world and what things we can do to look after it. Thank you for being such a wonderful role model.
Well done Poppy!

Important reminders:

  • Curriculum Evening - On Thursday 17th November at 17:30 we will be hosting a curriculum evening in school. This is an opportunity for you to come in and find out more about the wider curriculum that is taught across Nursery to Year 6. There is always lots of information to be shared and activities for both adults and children to engage in. We hope to see you there!

  • PJ Day Friday 17th November - Across the school we will be raising money for Brian House, Children in Need. We kindly ask for a £1 donation and children can come into school in their PJs (suitable pjs and trainers must be worn - no slippers). Children can bring a teddy if they wish to.

  • First Aid - we have made some changes to our first aid policy and procedures in school; please read the following information so that you are aware. For any minor injuries e.g. small grazes etc., the grown up collecting your child will be informed at pick up, it will also be recorded on our first aid log in class but no letter will be required. In the event of a serious injury or serious bump to the head, you will receive a text or phone call, this will be recorded on our first aid log in school and a letter will also be provided.

  • Polite request to check for a missing coat in case it has gone home with the wrong child by mistake. The missing coat is a long navy coat with a furry hood and has the name ‘Cato R.’ inside. Thank you for your help.

    If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact Mrs Hartley

Have a wonderful weekend
God Bless,
The Reception team