Year 6 Weekly Blog 'Everything is possible, even the impossible' Mary Poppins

The sun has been shining all week this week and so has our enthusiasm! The children are working tirelessly on their play and on their work in class, and although it has been very hot during rehearsals this has not held us back! Mary Poppins is coming along perfectly (of course, in every way), we completed the very famous ‘supercalifragilisticexpialidocious’ this week and loved every minute of it. Keep going with learning and practicing lines at home, as all of their hard work is paying off. We now just need to work on our volume and intonation as we say our lines.

This week in class Year 6 have been continuing to work hard on their class novel and in Geography they have been researching coastlines. Lots of great independent learning going on in class, with some wonderful discussions throughout.

Last night we had an induction evening for new parents starting in September, and as we approach summer you can’t help but look back at how much Year 6 have grown and blossomed. Head boy and Head girl spoke at this event, talking about what this school has meant to them, and they delivered their speeches with such confidence and humility, we are all so proud of them. Well done Ava and Clayton, what a beautiful reflection of the school you are.

This morning we had our Gym Jam Jog Extravaganza and wow what a turn out! It was wonderful to see so many people coming together, having fun and jogging (of course) to help us raise money for the school! Thank you to all of those that joined us …

Well done to Harvey, Ava and Clayton

Thank you to Clayton and Ava for giving your time so freely to talk at our induction evening, you both spoke so confidently and articulately, we are all so proud of you.

Harvey, you have been such a cooperative Roger Robin, you have completed your learning with great focus and then offered your kindness and support to help those around you. Thank you.

Looking Forward…

The Play:

We are so thrilled to be sharing our live performance of our end of year play with you after a tricky couple of years where we were unable to open up our school to parents. Due to the size of our hall and continuous rise in Covid transmission rates, we have to assess how best we can share this with you, whilst still ensuring we keep people safe as much as possible. Therefore, we have come to the decision to allocate three tickets for each Year 6 family across both night performances. We know this will be disappointing for some of you, particularly for those of you with large families, but unfortunately our hands are tied. There will, however be a DVD available for you to purchase, so you can watch the play with your extended family, in the comfort of your own home- get the popcorn out!

Tickets will go on sale, along with your orders of the DVD very soon- so watch this space!

Leavers day:

As we approach the final four weeks of the school year, the celebration of our Year 6 children is at the forefront of our minds. Over the past 7 years, the children have grown into young people who are ready to fly. Young people who know how to be the change that they want to see in the world. They could not have achieved this without the love and support that they received from their school community, and more importantly, their family. For this we thank you.

On Tuesday 19th July, the whole school community will come together at the Leavers Mass to celebrate the class. This will take place at 9.30am in church. Please put this date in your diary.

Following the mass, the children will set off on their day of celebration. They will be walking down, along the beach, to Fairhaven Adventure Golf and Adventure Playground, before heading back to the beach in St Annes for fun and games. Lunch will be served and chips! We will then head back to school for the end of the day. There will be no cost to yourselves for this trip, it is part of our leaving gift to the class.

Nearer the time we will finalise arrangements and what your children need to wear and bring with them on the day.

Final Notices:

Next Tuesday will be the last cricket after school session.

Please can costumes start to come in next week.

Mary Poppins performance: Monday 11th and Tuesday 12th July at 6:30pm.