24.6.22 ‘Do not judge me by my successes, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again.’ - Nelson Mandela

It has been another busy week in Reception full of determination to do our very best in all we do!

We have been continuing our work on the five senses and have written some brilliant sentences about what we might see, hear, smell, taste or touch on a trip to the beach.

During our RE learning we have continued our topic of ‘The Church’ and enjoyed discovering more about Church and talking about how God’s family is much bigger than just us, because anyone is welcome. We are really looking forward to our first trip to school as part of the whole school family. We will be on the look out for some symbols and objects we have been learning about.

Our Gym Jam Jog was such fun this morning, it was great to see everyone getting involved and having fun. Hopefully we have raised lots of money to put towards building our castle! Back in class we enjoyed a big drink and some tasty toast from Jacqui in the kitchen.

Let’s Celebrate

Halle is a Co-operative Roger Robin - For trying your best to work quickly and co-operatively during tidy up time. You have shown much more focus on finishing the job you have been given. Well done Halle!

Wren is a Determined Sadie Spider - For being so determined to write independent sentences. You used tricky red words and set two sounds to write some brilliant sentences with great description. It was brilliant to see you taking your time and reflecting and checking your sentence throughout. Well done Wren!

Important Notices

Next Wednesday (29th June) we will be going to church as a whole school community to celebrate the feasts of Saints Peter and Paul. As this is the first time we have been to mass together in such a long time, we need as many pairs of hands as possible to help to get us there and back safely. We will leave school at approximately 9:10am and will be back at school no later than 11am. If you can help and walk with us on this day, please send me an email. (s.lavelle@ourladystarofthesea.lancs.sch.uk) Your help is greatly appreciated; thank you in advance!

PE kits - Next week the children will need to wear their PE kits on Wednesday (29th), Thursday (30th) and Friday (1st). As always, please ensure everything is labelled, and the pen hasn’t washed off!

We wish you a wonderful weekend,

The Reception Team