Year 3 Blog 24.6 - "What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make." - Jane Goodall

Well what a week! Today we started the day with our Gym Jam Jog and my, what fun we had! …

In class the children have worked really hard with their Iron Bird stories this week and have been very focused and innovative. We have enjoyed sharing them too. Maths has been packed with telling the time and problem solving using the additive relationship, In RE we have thought about what it is like to be a Christian and how we should behave. PE has been packed with ball skills and fabulous co-operation. Yesterday the children were amazing, We have also done lots of reading and have been practising out tables facts too. A very busy week from us all. Keep up the good work children.

We hope that you enjoys these photos of the Gym Jam Jog this morning.


For being a such an enthusiastic Bobby Bee and a co-operative Roger Robin too. Thank you Esther. You are always so focused, ready to work and willing to share your ideas, You are such a kind and thoughtful partner too. You are like a little ray of sunshine in the classroom.and such a delight to teach. Keep up the good work Esther. Well done.

For being a Creative Kiki Chameleon this week during our story writing. You were very enthusiastic and very creative and it was lovely to see your enthusiasm too. You really enjoyed being innovative and changing the story to make it your own. Well done Archie I know you had so much fun when you were writing this week. Keep up the good work.

Here are some photos of the children who went bowling this morning. What fun they had and what wonderful ambassidors of our school they were. Thank you children.


  • PE Days will now be on a Monday and a Thursday. Please make sure that the children are wearing or have access to a PE it on these days.

  • Next Wednesday we are going to Church to celebrate Mass on the feast of Sts Peter and Paul. If you would like to walk to Church with us, we are leaving at 9:30am. and would be grateful of walkers to help us when walking. Many thanks in anticipation, (Please let us know if you are able to walk with us.)

We hope that you all have a lovely weekend and a good rest (especially after all of that running this morning.

Take care and God Bless

The Year 3 Team