Year 2 Weekly Blog 24.6.22 - "My life is not perfect, but I am thankful for everything I have"

I seem to say it every week, but WOW, this week really has flown by in the blink of an eye! I have been so proud of the whole class this week; even though the summer holidays are growing closer, they have all continued to work hard and show just how ready for Year 3 they are!

We are continuing to make our way through the story of Aladdin in English and reached the magic carpet ride on Tuesday. The children couldn’t believe the lack of detail and description in the book version of the story compared to the film. This meant that they had a challenge; write a description fit to be used in the book version! We used the film versions to help collect verbs, adjectives and nouns, before putting these together to make exciting and entertaining sentences. They then collated all of these creative ideas and wrote their setting descriptions. I was blown away by the children’s use of vocabulary; we had rapid waterfalls, the bright, beaming moon and the terracotta buildings just to name a few!

In Maths, we started the week by continuing our money learning before moving on to learning all about statistics. We revisited tally charts by collecting the class’ favourite ice cream flavour (a popular choice of data collection given the hot weather) and then used the data collected to create a pictogram on Purple Mash. Next week we will delve deeper into interpreting pictograms.

We have now moved onto learning all about materials in Science. It was great to hear how much knowledge the children had remembered from their learning in Year 1. We then used this to help us to think about how we can take this learning deeper in Year 2 and what questions we could ask to find out more.

We enjoyed our final child-led prayer and liturgy on Thursday with a worship all about being loving. These liturgies have been special each week and the children use our school Chapel with such respect and reverence. Well done Year 2 - you have all led beautiful sessions with lots of meaningful topics.

Finally, this morning we all enjoyed our Gym Jam Jog, and what a superb event it was! The children arrived bright and early ready to run those laps and collect that well-deserved sponsor money. I felt tired watching some of the children; they just didn’t stop! Thank you to you too parents! It was amazing to see so many of you getting involved and so many smiles were spread. What a community! The class were exhausted when they returned to class, but we enjoyed delicious toast and lots of cold water to get us ready for the rest of the day!

Let’s Celebrate

What a ‘Have a Go Tommy Turtle’ you have been this week Joseph!  You have concentrated so hard during lessons and have waited really patiently when you have wanted to share your ideas.  I know that your learning partner has really helped you to focus this week; let’s now continue this until the end of the year.  Well done!

Wow Daisy – you have been a real ‘Co-operative Roger Robin this week!’ You have tried really hard to manage distractions around you and have followed instructions straight away without getting sidetracked by other children.  You have focused on your own actions which have resulted in a positive week with lots of work being completed.  Keep it up!


Trip to Stanley Park - On Thursday 30th June, we will be going on our outdoor adventure trip to Stanley Park. This will include using the low ropes and a mole holing experience! We will be leaving school at approximately 9:15am and will be back at school by 1:00pm, ready for our lunchtime. As we are only going for the morning, children will be having their lunch as normal in school. On this day, children must wear their school tracksuit/PE kit with comfortable trainers. Hopefully, the weather will be sunny so sunhats and sun cream will be needed (labelled as we’ll collect these in before we go). As the weather can also be very unpredictable, please do ensure that your child has a light waterproof with them, as we will be outside all morning with no cover. Children can bring their usual morning snack, but again please do label these as I will collect these from the children before we go. Children must also have their water bottles with them on this day. Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions.

Thank you to those who have already returned their Gym Jam Jog sponsor forms to school. The children are desperate for their castle to be built on the trim trail; let’s see how much we can raise!

Next Wednesday (29th June) we will be going to church as a whole school community to celebrate the feasts of Saints Peter and Paul. As this is the first time we have been to mass together in such a long time, we need as many pairs of hands as possible to help to get us there and back safely. We will leave school at approximately 9:10am and will be back at school no later than 11am. If you can help and walk with us on this day, please send me an email. Your help is greatly appreciated; thank you in advance!

Enjoy the weekend with your families
God Bless
Miss Woodend and the rest of the Year 2 team