Year 3 blog 17.12.21 'Christmas is love in action. Every time we love, every time we give, it's Christmas'

I can’t believe we have come to the end of our first term in Year 3, and what a pleasure it has been! The children have been truly wonderful, working so hard and have really blossomed in to sensible, resilient and enthusiastic juniors- we couldn’t be prouder of them. We also just want to take this time, to thank you all for your support throughout this time and entrusting us with your most precious gifts, your children. We are now looking forward to the spring term, where we can see each of them fly even more!

We are not setting formal homework for over the holidays, as we want you to relax and enjoy these precious moments with family and friends. However, it would be wonderful if you keep up with reading as much as possible, quizzing when they have completed a book and popping on TT Rockstar’s when possible, as the children will be starting multiplication work with Miss Bassett on their return.

Year 3 Learning this week …

Amidst the excitement of Christmas, the children have been working as hard as ever! Early in the week the children received feedback on their writing on the Sun Blazer dragon from last week and then wrote their own report on their chosen dragon, I can’t wait to mark these of Christmas to see how much of the language and sentence structures we have been learning this half term has been used.

In Maths we have been looking at addends and the whole, part, part, part model in preparation for when we come to bridge over ten and one hundred after Christmas. In Geography we have continued learning all about the Arctic, looking at climate, the physical features and the animals that are found there.

We also completed our last Kindsafe lesson this week. We learned all about managing our yukky feelings, if we hear our grown ups arguing. Please find this weeks Parent Letter attached for you to read.

A good time was had by all yesterday at our Christmas party. Everybody thoroughly enjoyed the party games, dancing with great gusto! Our party had a real family feel, with everybody cheering each other on, laughing and smiling away. We even had a special visitor via face time, the big man himself, Father Christmas! He shared the wonderful news that we are ALL on the nice list! The children also had the idea for a talent show during our Christmas party which was the icing on the cake. What a talented bunch we have, their confidence and teamwork was fantastic!


This week the children have chosen our certificates and have voted for ARCHIE and PIPPA for being kind and supportive friends and learning partners. A huge well done to you both!

Finally, as you know, the children have been incredibly busy over the last few weeks preparing their performance for you. So sit back, relax and enjoy the beauty of Christmas in the comfort of your own home …

We do hope that you all have a truly wonderful and magical Christmas!
School reopens at 8:40am and 8:50am on Tuesday 4th January.
Stay Safe and God Bless,
Year 3 team