"For to us a child is born, to us a son is given" - Merry Christmas Everyone!

It’s hard to believe that the children have completed their first term in Year 2; and what a successful term it’s been! The class have worked incredibly hard and have grown so much already - I can’t wait to see what they will achieve when they return to school after Christmas!
Unfortunately, due to illness, I have been unable to spend this final week with the children. However, Mrs Connolly and Mrs Carter have kept me updated and have said that the children have continued to work as hard as ever! There has been lots of science taking place and the children have been busy learning all about how to keep themselves healthy.
They have also continued practising those addition and subtraction skills and have been re-telling the whole of our focus story ‘The Great Fairytale Disaster’.
I haven’t set any formal home learning for the children to complete over the holidays; this is certainly a time to enjoy together as a family. However, I have sent home the whole of the story map for the children to practise when they can. This will keep the story fresh in the children’s minds ready for innovating and writing when we return after the holidays.

I’ve heard that a great time was had by all at the Christmas party yesterday, with lots of fun, laughter and a whole lot of dancing taking place in the Year 2 classroom! The children also apparently couldn’t believe their eyes when they had a Zoom meeting with Father Christmas himself. He even left them a little present hidden in the class! I hope you enjoy looking through the photographs below; I certainly did!

Finally, as you know, the children have been incredibly busy over the last few weeks preparing their Nativity performance for you. Sit back, relax and enjoy the magic that is the Angel Express ….

Let’s Celebrate

Well done Logan, you have been such a focused learner this week and have listened so carefully to both the teaching and the ideas of your friends.  You have followed instructions straight away and have worked hard to complete all of the tasks given.  Keep it up Logan!

You have been such a ‘Brave Tommy Turtle’ this week Jacob.  You have managed any distractions around you brilliantly and have tried really hard to be an independent learner.  Keep this up Jacob and you will reap the rewards throughout the rest of your time in Year 2!


Wellies - The children have all brought their wellies home so that they’ve got them over the holidays. Please do ensure that these are returned to school in the new year so that we can continue to use all of our outdoor environment. Thank you!

I do hope that you all have a truly wonderful and magical Christmas!
School reopens at 8:40am and 8:50am on Tuesday 4th January.
Stay Safe and God Bless,
Miss Woodend and the rest of the Year 2 team.