Art News…
Week Six
With only one week to go until we break for the Christmas holidays, it is all go at school. Christmas jumper days, jolly hats, Santa runs and the sound of children singing in harmony… what a week.
In Art…
Year one thought about animal’s habitates, what did they need to keep warm and protected. We watched a short film on different homes and discussed what a bird would need to make a good nest. Using feathers, sticks and leaves (cutouts unfortunatly), we created a safe and cosy nest for a special egg to rest in.
Year two had great fun with their clay work, listening to the story of the Magic Garden and how naughty little rabbits were the secret gardeners. The rolled, divided, flattened, pinched and shaped the clay to make a beautiful sculpture. These have already gone home and can be left natural or painted when dry.
Year thee looked at the work of Henri Mattise and how he changed to collage as he got older and could no longer paint. Using black paper we practised cutting shapes and sticking them on the edge in reverse. These looked amazing. I am so looking forward to seeing what year three can do with the coloured paper next week.
Year four used watercolours to complete this years special Christmas card and painted a winter scene for the sketch books. These look beautiful and the cards will be a treasure to keep I’m sure.
Year five finished their reduction block printing by cutting dowm, framing and decorating their prints and Christmas cards. The cards will comne home next week and the larger print will go on display in school after the holidays.
Year six were double busy this week as they started and finished this week with Art (no art last week, due to the Santa Dash). We ware so busy sewing our last Primary School Christmas card, making it extra special. These will come home next week. You are in for a real treat.
In the Home Gallery, there are a lot of new photos this week, cooking, drawing, sewing, book making and card making! So many creative children enjoying home art. Do take a look and if you would like some of your home creativity on the website, send me a photo or two to and I will add your work for all to admire.
It was wonderful to have a new BLUE PETER badge holder burst into the Create room this week, proudly wearing her badge and what a fancy badge it was. This year four BLUE PETER badge holder now joins the BLUE PETER wall in the Create room. If you would like to gain one of these amazing badges, do look on the BLUE PETER website on how to enter for different badges and join me and many others on the wall.
Please note that all classes will need an ART SHIRT (old large tshirt is best) after Christmas as we are all moving into ratehr messy art topics and due to covid restrictions, I am unable to share my shirts around. These should be named and kept in trays and brought to Art each week. Thank you in advance.
Have a lovely weekend, if not a rather soggy one!
Stay safe
God Bless
Mrs Curtis