Year 5 online homework to be complete for Thursday 26th November

Hello Parents and children,

It has been a very different week this week!!! I’ve been teaching live which was too glitchy - so I’m filming myself teaching the lessons! I’m trying to stay one step ahead of the class! Books are being dropped of; quarantined and then marked, but I thought it would be best if we complete all homework online until Mrs Nel and I return to the class in the flesh!!

As always READING remains the most important homework.

We are half way through this half term and the children should be halfway to their reading targets. We have a number of children who read in earnest and have reached or nearly reached their target. I do however have a few (three) who haven't yet quizzed. This is because they are reading substantial books, if you could keep encouraging them that would be great!


We are exploring line graphs in class but last week we explored estimation and approximation using rounding. Please complete IXL B8 and C6. Thank you.

TT ROCKSTARS - keep going- remember a little everyday allows your brain to keep retrieving these vital facts!


The children took part in e-safety lessons on Tuesday. We discussed passwords and the children unwittingly passed on their passwords without noticing!!! We know not to do this in the future! We then briefly discussed what makes a great password. Could you watch the following video at home and complete the Purple Mash Password quiz set in your 2do’s.

Computing continued:

In the final session of our E-Safety day we discussed how images can be doctored. We talked about this being a negative experience and wrong. We had a go at doing it to an image of our-selves. You can see the teaching film below. For homework I would like the children to doctor an image again (follow the film). This time I would like you to do something fantastic with your face!!! You could be climbing a mountain, swimming with dolphins- make it really positive!!!

Extra maths:

Calling all parents. Could you spend time this week teaching and revising the 24hour clock. It is a hard one to teach in class and a good one for home as the 24 hours spreads into the evening. Please watch the following film with your child and complete the fun activities too.