Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 18th November 2020

Online Safety


This week we have completed our work on online safety and what our digital footprint says about us. Please complete the following 2 tasks:

  1. Can you complete this anonymous survey on your screen time? We will be using the data to inform us in class.


  2. Complete the digital safety piece of work that I have set you on Purple Mash. Remember to use the prompts on the side of the page to inform your writing. I would like to see a detailed and informative piece of writing. Make sure that it reflects what you have done.

Maths - Rockstars this week please!

Next week I will be setting you into some challenging tables so get practising this week. Make sure you get those skills up! The quicker the recall the better the results. Remember that Rockstars over practises skills until you have got them.

Spellings - suffix ly

early, curly, unruly, simply, timidly, bristly, slightly, luckily, utterly, ideally, ghastly, probably, violently, generally, immediately.