Important reminders about the play on this blog - please read on …..
Read moreFrançais petit déjeuner est délicieux !!!!
As you may have translated from our title this week - we have shared a French breakfast in class. Madame Jefferson has been teaching us the language of food and as a treat we had croissants and hot chocolate in class!!
Read more" Brave Macbeth!" W. Shakespeare
What a super busy week! please read for more information about costumes for the play!
Read more"Happiness is a direction not a place"
We have placed our theme “Health and Happiness”. At the centre of our learning this week - and what a lot of learning!!! We have explored what makes us emotionally happy and physically healthy.
Read moreCelebrating 70 years of service - Thank you Queen Elizabeth II
Mrs Nel has taken lots of pictures of us this week - we have been super busy. We have learnt about and celebrated the reign of our Queen……..
Read moreThank you! - from your Year 5 team
Our final blog for this half term please read on …
Read more"For good ideas and true innovation, you need human interaction, conflict, argument, debate." Margaret Heffernan
Please read about our lovey week of reading - important message too about the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee picnic
Read more"We are not called to judge we are called to witness"
It has, at times, been an emotional week. We have reached the middle of our class novel and it has been hard to read. We bear witness to the racism our character Leonard faces.
Read more"The more adaptable we are the more chance we have of getting through!" C.Crawley (Downton Abbey!)
Speaking eloquently shines a light on truth …..
Read moreit is better to debate a question without setting it, than to settle a question without debating it" J Joubert
Debating and dissolving- driving straight back into the world of learning!
Read more"Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do."
Dear Parents,
It was lovely to share our emotional assembly with you on Thursday.. I know the children were so excited about performing for you. It felt wonderful to be in the hall with you - having a shared experience and creating memories.
Read more"The longest journey begins with a single step." ...
Look who we met on our walk!!
Please read the blog for all important information and for the form to book places at next weeks assembly.
Read more" If you don't have a shadow you're not in the light!"
Shadows have played a big part in our week this week. In science we have made shadow clocks and explored how our shadows change throughout the day
Read moreMuch a do about everything!!!
Celebrating a wonderful week at The Grand!
Read moreMary, Mother to whom God entrusted the undoing of the knots in the lives of His children" Pope Francis
Please read for all important reminders - underneath this week’s learning journey- thank you.
Read more4th March Blog - SHAKESPEARE FESTIVAL
Please read - all info for the Shakespeare Festival -
Read moreCoach fare to The Grand and back on Monday 14th and Tuesday 15th March
Read more"Let there be light" Gensis
We had a very hands on lesson in science as we explore LIGHT! With a torch and some bendy tube we proved it travelled in a straight line!
Read more"Let there be love in the worlds and let it begin with me"
Two class members in an intense interaction during our drama lesson! Benedick v Beatrice! Please read on for all our Shakespeare Festival information and see us on the beach today too!
Read more"Absence sharpens love, presence strengthens it"
Firstly, a massive thank you to Mrs Nel and Miss Forster. In my absence this week due to Covid. These wonderful teachers have stepped up and supported all the children with meaningful and enjoyable lessons… read on to find out what we have learnt and other important messages….
Read more