Year 3 Home Learning to be handed in 13.10


1 because

2. over

3. time

4. these

5 some

6. again

7. another

8. change

9. different

10 does

TT Rockstars

Please make sure you spend a short amount of time each day on TT Rockstars. Learning our times tables is crucial in the lower juniors and a skill that we need to be very confident in.

Assembly Parts

Please, please, please practise your assembly parts. We will be rehearsing throughout the week next week so it is very important to know your lines to help with this.

Assembly Song

Year 3 30.9.22 "You are precious in my eyes."

We have continued our work on fables, this week and found our school mission statement lying at the heart of the fable, The Frog and the Ox. One of the characters in the story believes that he has no special talent like his friends. He tries to change himself to become more like the animals around him, however, it doesn’t work out very well! II takes another character to recognise the frogs special qualities. We found that this fable was teaching us a special message, that we are all special and unique. This made us think about our school missions statement and how we remember Jesus’ words, “You are precious in my eyes.” It also taught us that we can all help one another to find their special gifts and to celebrate these differences together.

We have also been getting stuck into our maths learning, focusing on finding efficient ways of adding three addends together. The children are now very confident when explaining their reasoning, sharing why they chose to add certain numbers together first. We have a lot of really enthusiastic mathematicians!

During PE this week we have been practising our tuck and pencil jumps. The children have worked together beautifully and each group created a wonderful gymnastic routine which include ways of travelling, jumps and small point balance. Well done our Roger Robins!

KIDSAFE - This week we have also started working through our KIDSAFE programme. Please see the attached letter which explains what the children will be learning during the programme and what we have been learning about this week.

Let’s celebrate!

Hudson our Keep Improving Lizzie Ladybird! You have wowed us with you focus and determination towards your learning, in particular during maths! Each lesson you have listened carefully before setting off to work to solve as many equations as possible! We are so proud of you Hudson and how hard you work! We just know that you are going to achieve target after target! Well done.

Lily and Naomi our Roger Robins! We have loved seeing how kind, caring and helpful you have been towards your learning partners this week. You worked so well during PE and really helped your group to create a lovely routine. Your kind smiles encourage those around you. These small acts of kindness are so special. Thank you for making our classroom a kind place!


  • Parents day. Friday 21st we have our online parents day. Above you will find the teacher that you are to book an appointment with.

  • Assembly: Year 3’s assembly is on Tuesday 18th October at 9:10 and 9:35. We hope you will be able to come along to watch us perform!

  • Harvest: With Harvest time fast approaching, we are looking forward to celebrating as a whole school community once again for the first time since the pandemic. As in previous years, as a school, we will be collecting food items for local food banks. Year 3 are collecting tinned custard, so please donate if you can, before Friday 14th October.

  • Kidsafe:

  • Medical information: We have very nearly received everybody’s medical forms. If you have not already please complete the forms listed on our previous blog.

We hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

Miss Bassett, Miss Brisco, Miss Russell and Mrs Carter

Year 3 Blog 23.9.22 "Unity is strength... When there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved." - Mother Teresa

Our week began on Tuesday this week, it was lovely to speak to the children and share how they marked the Her Majesty’s funeral service at home the day before. Thank you for completing this weeks homework, the children enjoyed sharing this together, comparing what they all did and completing some fabulous quizzes! We really enjoyed sharing these on Thursday in class.

This week in maths we have been representing adding together three addends using tens frames, part'-whole models and on a number line. This variety of visual representations has really helped to deepen this understanding. Once again, we have been really impressed with their speedy number facts that we can tell they have worked so hard on during their time in the infants. This is now a superpower of ours when it comes to our addition and is helping the children to solve sums with confidence.

During our English, we have continued to look at fables and there hidden teachings. We have focused on the punctuation and how this helps us as readers. We have then been working in pairs to perform a part of a fable using intonation by looking at the punctuation used. We have also spent time looking at nouns and how we can add adjectives before a noun to make our sentences more interesting and descriptive for the reader. Well done Year 3!

It was so lovely to see many of you on Wednesday evening as we discussed the year ahead. Thank you for taking the time out of your busy evenings. We know many of you have lots of things to juggle to make you able to attend and we want you to know how grateful we are. Also thank you to those of you who couldn’t make it but emailed asking for any information to be sent to you, I hope you found the document useful.

Let’s Celebrate:

Jacob for being a curious Clara clownfish: We have been really impressed with your wonderful curiosity this week! During our Prayer and Liturgy in the chapel you asked such deep questions, showing just how carefully you focused on the readings. Keep going Jacob, your confidence is growing and you are working hard. We are very impressed!

Finley for being a focused Cooper crab: You have worked so hard this week and have shown such wonderful determination during each and every lesson. We could not ask anymore of you! Not only this but you have made a fabulous learning partner. You help those around you in such a calm and gentle way. I know your peers really like this quality in you too, and they really enjoy having you as a partner.


We hope you have a wonderful weekend.

Miss Bassett, Miss Brisco, Miss Russell and Mrs Carter

Year 3 Blog 16.9.22 "Good leaders must first become good servants.” – Robert Greenleaf

What a successful week we have had! It has absolutely flown by which only shows how we have got our heads down, and immersed ourselves in our learning. This week we have been exploring fables and the teachings within these stories. We had great fun on Wednesday as we closed our eyes and listened only to a video. We found that hat we expect might happen, not always happens and that there is a special teaching hidden in every fable.

In maths this week we have been focusing on adding three addends together and finding the answer. We have been working with adding numbers to 10 and we are now able to represent these equations on ten frames, part/whole models and bar models. The children have really gained confidence in sharing their reasoning/ how they got to their answer. They clearly have a solid knowledge on doubles and number bonds!

During RE this week we have been reminding ourselves of the creation story. Next week we are going to use our creative skills to re-tell this bible story. Miss Russell is ready with the green screen and we have a feeling that we have some budding performers!

Each Wednesday we take some time out of our day and pay a visit to our school chapel. This week we thought about our gifts and how we can use them to help others. The children listened beautifully to the Gospel reading, showing great reverence!


This week we have two FOCUSED COOPER CRABS!

Matilda: What can we say Matilda?! You not only show great care and focus towards your learning, but also to your friends in class too. You are an absolute delight and have been trying so hard in your learning each and every day. You are polite, kind, helpful and what we call a, “ray of sunshine!” We just know that you are going to achieve great things this year Matilda! Well done!

Rose: You are an absolute joy Rose and a wonderful role model to those around you! Your quiet confidence and determination has really impressed us! We could not ask more of you! Each and every day you are ready to push yourself and to learn a new skill. We are so very proud of you and how you have settled into a new school year. We cannot wait to watch you grow!

Reminders for next week:

Art T-Shirt: Please remember to bring in an Art shirt if you haven’t already. Miss Neves has informed us that the children will definitely need one this week.

Induction evening: This Wednesday at 6pm is our class induction. We hope to see many of you as we look together at the year ahead and the learning journey your children will go on during their time in Year 3.

We hope you all have a wonderful weekend and we look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday.

Miss Bassett, Miss Brisco, Miss Russell and Mrs Carter.

Year 3 9.9.22 - "The start of something new brings the hope of something great. Anything is possible!"

We have had the most delightful start to the new school year. Seeing everyone’s smiling faces as they arrived on Monday was just wonderful!

What enthusiastic and caring children we have. Each day we have been wowed by their desire to help one another. Writing this now I am remembering kind action after kind action. It has been a truly lovely week!

We have been getting to know our new class environment, our daily routines and have created our new class rules. We have also spent time thinking about how unique and special we each are. We are all different and each one of our children has special gifts that they have been given! Our aim this year is to celebrate and respect the things that make us who we are! Each child is an important piece to our jigsaw.

Let’s celebrate!

This week we have two ENTHUSIASTIC learners!

Amelia: You have been a bundle of excitement and have used this to help you to fly through your learning. You have also shown great concentration! We have been super impressed!

Lorenzo: You have also been very enthusiastic, already ready to learn and have been very active during our discussions! You have also been spotted being very kind to others in the class, helping them if they have needed it.

Well done!

Important forms to complete online.

Please fill in these forms as soon as possible so that we can ensure your child is safe and able to learn well.


PE Days: Monday - Outdoor Wednesday and Thursday - Indoor (half classes)

Art: Every Wednesday the children will spend some time in the afternoon with Miss Neves getting creative! Please make sure that your child has an Art T- Shirt in school.

Induction: We are very much looking forward to welcoming you into our classroom for our Induction evening on Wednesday 21st September at 6pm. This will allow us to share the journey we hope to take your children on this year, whilst also providing the time to chat face to face!

Snacks: Now the children have reached the Juniors we no longer have fruit provided to us. Please therefore send your child with a healthy snack (A list of possible snack ideas can be found on the Discover page of the school website under ‘Daily things to remember’)

Water: Please bring a labelled water bottle each day.

Homework days: New homework will be handed out each Friday. This will vary from week to week, sometimes including computer based tasks and sometimes things that we would like completing in their homework books. Homework is then handed in on the following Thursday.

Labelling: Please do ensure that all uniform is clearly labelled. It’s very tricky to get mislaid garments back to their owners if we don’t know who they belong to. Thank you in advance.
School Library: Throughout the holidays, the school library has been completely re-organised and sorted, and we have found that we have many books missing. Please could you have a good look in your homes and return school books if you have any. Thank you!

We hope you have a well deserved rest this weekend and we very much look forward to welcoming the children back in on Monday.

Miss Bassett, Miss Brisco, Miss Russell and Mrs Carter.

Welcome to Year 3!

Hello and welcome to the Year 3 page!

We have been getting things ready for Monday and we CANNOT wait to get started! We hope that you have had a wonderful summer holiday. Whether you’ve been away, stayed at home, had days out here and there.. or simply rested!

As the new year begins we know that emotions will be high and our aim is to make our children feel safe, settled and happy during their first week in the Juniors. We will be starting the half term looking at the virtues loving and compassionate, helping the children to value these virtues in themselves and in others. If you have any queries please email, however big or small, please do not hesitate. Our emails are:

Here are some key things to make you aware of:

PE Days: Monday - Outdoor Wednesday and Thursday - Indoor (half classes)

Art: Every Wednesday the children will spend some time in the afternoon with Miss Neves getting creative! Please make sure that your child has an Art T- Shirt in school.

Induction: We are very much looking forward to welcoming you into our classroom for our Induction evening on Wednesday 21st September at 6pm. This will allow us to share the journey we hope to take your children on this year, whilst also providing the time to chat face to face!

Snacks: Now the children have reached the Juniors we no longer have fruit provided to us. Please therefore send your child with a healthy snack (A list of possible snack ideas can be found on the discover page of the school website under ‘Daily things to remember’)

Water: Please bring a labelled water bottle each day.

Homework days: New homework will be handed out each Friday. This will vary from week to week, sometimes including computer based tasks and sometimes things that we would like completing in their homework books. Homework is then handed in on Thursday.

Celebrating mass: This Thursday we will be walking to church. Please make sure you have suitable clothing on this day.

Labelling: Please do ensure that all uniform is clearly labelled. It’s very tricky to get mislaid garments back to their owners if we don’t know who they belong to. Thank you in advance.
School Library: Throughout the holidays, the school library has been completely re-organised and sorted, and we have found that we have many books missing. Please could you have a good look in your homes and return school books if you have any. Thank you!

We can’t wait to see you on Monday morning. We will welcome Marsden (Kenilworth Road entrance) and Harcourt (St Patrick’s Road entrance) at 8:45am and Bamber (Kenilworth Road entrance) and Plessington (St Patrick’s Road entrance) at 8:50am.
Enjoy your weekend,
Miss Bassett, Miss Brisco, Miss Russell, Mrs Carter, Mrs Lavelle (Outdoor PE) and Miss Neves (Art)

"Behind you, all your memories. Before you, all your dreams. Around you, all who love you. Within you, all you need."

What to say? It has been an absolute pleasure taking your children on their journey through Year 3! It’s never easy saying goodbye , and today has proven just that. We have loved teaching your children, watching them grow, watching them succeed and watching them grow together as a family. We will miss seeing your smiley faces each morning. We will miss those early starters who each Monday have reminded me about new table places. We will miss the sea of willing faces when we are in need of a job done. We will miss those huge smiles once they have that magic lightbulb moment. I could go on! We know the children are ready for their exciting next chapter in Year 4 and we cannot wait to have many catch ups during our break times together.

The biggest thank you to you parents! You have been so supportive, open and trusting… we never take this for granted! We hope you all have a wonderful summer! Enjoy the adventures, the holidays, and hopefully some rest thrown in there too.

See you in September,

Love the Year 3 team xxx

Year 3 blog 15.7. 22 “There’s The Whole World At Your Feet.” - Bert to the Banks children

Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious….. could some up our week nicely!

We started the week in the best way possible… watching our Year 6 perform their play, Mary Poppins. It felt like the biggest treat and we were all hooked from start to finish! Not only was it great to watch but it also inspired us when back in the classroom. In English this week, we have been learning more about the poem, The Spider and the Fly. The children have worked in small groups to create pieces of drama based around a part of the poem. We have been so impressed by how well they have worked together, cooperating with each other with compassion and valuing one another’s contributions.

This week in RE we have been learning all about Saint Paul, who, we discovered was originally called Saul. We put our new found drama skills to the test once again and the children created the most wonderful versions of his specials journey to Damascus. We were SO impressed with how the children managed to weave Christian sacraments, traditions and rituals into their pieces of drama.. which showcased their wonderful depth of understanding about our faith. Well done Year 3 you completely WOWED us!

We have also continued to develop our net and ball skills in PE this week. We have continued to improve our own games ready to teach to other groups next week. Each group has created a unique game.. we have a very creative bunch! I think these new games will very much be enjoyed by the rest of the class during our final PE lesson next week!

On Wednesday we had a very special visitor… Mrs Lyons! It was so wonderful for the children to get to know their new teacher… asking her some very difficult and important questions! We now know Mrs Lyons’ favourite food (a particular calamari), her house team (Bamber) and her favourite colour (purple) to name but a few! I know Mrs Lyons loved getting to know everyone and is very much looking forward to teaching them next year!


For the final time this year the children have chosen the certificates, once again impressing us with their ability to recognise in once another what makes them such wonderful learners. This time we ended up with a four-way tie. A huge well done to these four children. To be recoginsed by so many of your peers shows how hard you have worked this year! Thank you for making wonderful learning partners and for always trying your upmost! We know that making a mistake helps us to learn more, managing distractions is crucial, and helping and learning from others can be so powerful… each once of you demonstrate this each and every day!

Elsie… “for being focused and helping others to grow!” “for being kind and generous to others!” “you are a great learning partner and easy to work with.” “you have worked hard and your handwriting is really neat.”

Esther… “thank you for helping me!” “you are very, very kind!” “you make everyone happy and help people in our class.” “for always working well in a team.” “thank you for helping me!” “you are very, very kind!”

Rafe… “for being so co-operative and a great learning partner!” “you are always so focused!” “for sharing your ideas during our class discussions.” “for helping other people focus.”

Isaac… “for being a great partner to sit next to!” “you are always so focused!” “for trying your hardest in all of our lessons.” “for always being engaged in your learning.”

We now head into our final week together. We have absolutely loved being a part of your children’s journey. Watching them grow in confidence, developing crucial social skills and of course seeing them crack tricky new concepts has been such a joy! We cannot wait to enjoy our last few days in year 3, with a fresh box of tissues close at hand!

Below are some of the important notices to be award of:

  1. Miss Hornby’s mass - Monday at 6:30pm in church, then at the parish centre afterwards. You are all so welcome to celebrate our amazing headteacher.

  2. On Wednesday, HARCOURT can come in house colours as they won the housepoint competition this half term.

  3. Children will be bringing school books home on Monday now. Please ensure they have a plastic bag.

  4. Please have a good search in bedrooms etc for any school reading books so we can return them to our library ready for next year.

  5. We break up on Wednesday at 2:00pm

Your Year 3 team x

Year 3 blog 8.7.22 - "Share your smile with the world. It's a symbol of friendship and hope." - Christie Brinkley

Although the weeks seem to by whizzing by, our learning certainly isn’t showing signs of stopping. This week we have been introduced to a new poem, “The Spider and the Fly”. Firstly, we listened to the introduction of the poem, which posed lots of questions and filled our minds with ideas about the poem, the characters and what might happen next. After this, we then watched the first part of the poem and compared our thoughts now that we could see the characters and the setting. Today, the children have been great detectives as they have investigated the crime that was/ has been claimed to have been committed by the spider.

We have also had the absolute joy of spending Monday morning with Mrs Curtis and a wonderful art lesson! All of the children loved spending time creating their clay creations. It is just wonderful to see the children explore new materials and use their imaginations to be creative. Well done everybody!

In PE this week we have continued to practise our bat and ball skills. The children are gaining great confident when batting a ball to a partner… we have had some great rally’s, along with lots of encouraging words to one another… so much so that the whole class were awarded the PE stars this week.

On Friday the children also found out the wonderful news that Mrs Lyons will be their teacher next year! The children will absolutely flourish under Mrs Lyons wonderful lead and we cannot wait to welcome her into one of our lessons next week! I know that she is also very excited for the year ahead!

Let’s Celebrate…

Esther… We continue to be so impressed by your wonderful effort each and every day! Each lesson you make sure that you give it your all, and we are always full of joy as we watch you tackle new challenges. You have also made such a kind and caring learning partner. Hearing you celebrate others fills us with such happiness! Never let go of these fabulous qualities Esther, we know you won’t!

Liam… For being such a wonderful learner! Reading your writing of, the Iron breaded dragon blew us away! You have soaked in all of our grammar and vocabulary skills throughout the year and have created a brilliant piece of writing! We are so proud of you! It is an absolute pleasure teaching you Liam, We just know that we are going to be reading more of your wonderful writing as you travel through the school. Keep up the amazing work!


  • Monday and Thursday are our PE days. Please bring or wear your PE kit on these days.

We hope you have a wonderful weekend!

The Year 3 team

Year 3 Blog 1.7.22 - Nothing is impossible. The words itself says, "I'M POSSIBLE!"

The weeks really are flying by! This week the children have WOWED us with their independent writing! We have a class of reflective learners and we are SO proud of each one of them. Our Year 3’s set off writing their own versions of the Iron Man… and then swiftly got their purple pencils out to add missing punctuation, improve their vocabulary choices AND sentence structures. Reading and marking their writing has been the biggest joy! Well done everybody!

We also had another special moment this week as we celebrated the feast of St Peter and Paul in church. Celebrating mass together as a school felt so special! Watching the children help one another with the parts of the mass was just beautiful, thank you children!

The children have also finished their investigations in science this week. We have been exploring different surfaces and seeing what effect this has when trying to make objects travel. The children worked brilliantly together and I am sure they could tell you lots about their findings!

Let’s celebrate!

A Determined learner… JACOB: A huge well done! You have shown such effort and focus this week and  always, “try, try, try” to do your very best. During our writing this week you made sure to carefully edit your work, checking to see if you had included all of our Year 3 skills, Brilliant Jacob!

A Co-operative and determined learner…BELLA: You have wowed us this week with your absolute focus and determination during your writing of the Iron Man. You thought carefully about the vocabulary you used and made sure to include the key parts of your story. You have achieved so many targets this year because you try so hard and never give up! Well done Bella!

Summer Reading Challenge:

Tpday we have had one of the librarians ftom St. Annes Library in to talk to us about the summer reading challenge at the library. This starts tomorrow and they are having a launch event with different activities. It is always good to keep reading ticking over during the summer holidays so why not sign up to complete the challenge. We are sure that the children will really enjoy it.


  • Please remember that our PE days are Monday and Thursday. Make sure to wear your PE kit on these days!

We hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

The Year 3 team

Year 3 Blog 24.6 - "What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make." - Jane Goodall

Well what a week! Today we started the day with our Gym Jam Jog and my, what fun we had! …

In class the children have worked really hard with their Iron Bird stories this week and have been very focused and innovative. We have enjoyed sharing them too. Maths has been packed with telling the time and problem solving using the additive relationship, In RE we have thought about what it is like to be a Christian and how we should behave. PE has been packed with ball skills and fabulous co-operation. Yesterday the children were amazing, We have also done lots of reading and have been practising out tables facts too. A very busy week from us all. Keep up the good work children.

We hope that you enjoys these photos of the Gym Jam Jog this morning.


For being a such an enthusiastic Bobby Bee and a co-operative Roger Robin too. Thank you Esther. You are always so focused, ready to work and willing to share your ideas, You are such a kind and thoughtful partner too. You are like a little ray of sunshine in the classroom.and such a delight to teach. Keep up the good work Esther. Well done.

For being a Creative Kiki Chameleon this week during our story writing. You were very enthusiastic and very creative and it was lovely to see your enthusiasm too. You really enjoyed being innovative and changing the story to make it your own. Well done Archie I know you had so much fun when you were writing this week. Keep up the good work.

Here are some photos of the children who went bowling this morning. What fun they had and what wonderful ambassidors of our school they were. Thank you children.


  • PE Days will now be on a Monday and a Thursday. Please make sure that the children are wearing or have access to a PE it on these days.

  • Next Wednesday we are going to Church to celebrate Mass on the feast of Sts Peter and Paul. If you would like to walk to Church with us, we are leaving at 9:30am. and would be grateful of walkers to help us when walking. Many thanks in anticipation, (Please let us know if you are able to walk with us.)

We hope that you all have a lovely weekend and a good rest (especially after all of that running this morning.

Take care and God Bless

The Year 3 Team

Year 3 - "The strength of the team is each individual member. The strength of each member is the team." - Phil Jackson

It was just wonderful to welcome you all to celebrate our sports day once again! The children were so excited to show you how hard they have been working in PE. We were all so proud of them and how they supported and encouraged each other! A huge well done Year 3 and a big thank you parents for being a brilliant audience to spur us on! Having you there to watch the children this year was so special and created such a wonderful and exciting atmosphere. The children were beaming as they came back into class… I heard so many of the children saying, “that was my favourite sport’s day!” so a huge thank you for coming to celebrate this special school event with us!

We are such book lovers in Year 3 and on Monday we were super excited to finish our class novel, ‘The Iron Man’. We have then started to plan our own stories based on this book. We cannot wait to read your stories next week and to see all of those wonderful grammar skills that we have worked on throughout the year… I know Mrs Harrison will want to take a peak too.


Co-operative and Determined Ella … You are such a delightful girl Ella! We loved seeing your determination during our sports day this week! You tried so hard and really spurred on those around you! We have seen this determination each and every day during our classroom learning. You try so hard and when things get tricky, you never give up! Because of this, things that you once found a challenge, you can do no problem. A huge well done Ella!

Co-operative, Focused and Enthusiastic Rafe … You are such an enthusiastic and focused learner, who we have thoroughly enjoyed teaching this year! Every single day you come into school with the most wonderful excitement and interest towards the days learning. You are such a Bobby-bee! You value everybody in our class, and in our school. You know that everybody is special and has something unique to offer. You have been a beautiful learning partner, supporting and encouraging those around you.  The biggest well done Rafe!

Gym Jam Jog!

Next week Friday 24th is our ANNUAL GYM JAM JOG (sadly postponed since 2019!) Below are the details for all joggers, old and new:

  • The children are invited to school in their PYJAMAS plus cuddly friend.

  • We arrive super early!!! The gates will open at 8 O'clock.

  • The children are then invited to run with their friends or their parent (pyjamas not essential). It is important that you count the laps.

This is a sponsored event. There has been much debate at school council level about what the children want in their playground and they want a castle!!!!

A place where imaginations can run wild! Needless to say, we need money for the build - we know as a community we can do this!

Use the sponsor form sent home this weekend to ask family and friends to sponsor you for each lap or to donate on the promise that you will jog your heart out!!!

We will jog right up until school starts when we will say goodbye to parents and jog into class - ready for breakfast!

We can't wait to share another event with the whole school family together!


Two groups have now experienced Crown Green bowls and all have thoroughly enjoyed taking part in this fun outing! Our group of bowlers next week will have a rather busy morning! With the Gym Jam Jog before school and then their trip to Ashton Gardens later on that morning.

Please make sure you bring your PE kit with you as you will be wearing your pyjamas!


Our PE days will now be on a MONDAY and THURSDAY. Please make sure you wear/bring your kit with you on these days. Thank you!

"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others." - Mahatma Gandhi

We welcomed our wonderful class back on Monday after the half term. It was great to hear all about the amazing adventures that have been had during these two weeks! The tans, new hair cuts and beaming smiles set the week off on a great note!

The children have been super busy celebrating our incredible Queen, learning all about her Coronation, her life from being a child and her reign. We are in AWE of her dedication from such a young age. On Wednesday we shared this celebration with the rest of the school as we came together for a picnic lunch. Although we had a soggy start to the day, God answered our prayers and dried out the playground… meaning we could all enjoy the picnic outside together! It was just wonderful to see everybody together… these moments haven’t been shared in what feels like forever! Everybody was up dancing, ice lollies in hand, marking this very special moment!

However, our learning hasn’t been solely been about the Queen, we have continued to share our class novel and are itching to finish the final chapter on Monday! I wonder if any of our predictions will be right?!

We have also been busy practising for our Sports day next Wednesday. I for one cannot wait for the children to show you their hardwork! Not only are they super competitive, trying their upmost. They have also become such compassionate and supportive sportspeople. Will are going to have the best afternoon!

Our sporting events don’t stop there! Our first group of children ventured out to Ashton Gardens today to experience Crown Green Bowling. The children were brilliantly behaved and absolutely loved learning about this new sport. I know our next two groups are equally excited to take part in this exciting opportunity! Well done Year 3! The previous blog has all the information needed regarding which groups the children are in and what they need to remember on their day.

Let’s Celebrate

Layla: You have wowed us with your focus and enthusiasm! We were blown away during maths, when you whizzed through your work on hundreds numbers.. you have been such a Bobby bee! You are working so hard and we could not be more proud of you! A huge well done Layla, keep up the great work!

Michael: A huge well done Michael! You have really stood out to us this week for your fantastic focus! We have been really impressed when looking at your work and seeing just how much you have got through, you haven’t wasted a second! As always, you have also been a wonderful, kind and supportive learning partner! Thank you Michael, you make us so proud!


  • Please don’t forget that this coming Wednesday (15th June) we will be celebrating our Sports day. This will start promptly at 1:30 and should last for around 1 hour. Please make sure your child comes to school in their PE kits, their water bottle, a sunhat and sun cream. Thank you!

  • Crown Green Bowling: Each child will visit Ashton gardens over the coming weeks (one group have already done so) to take part in crown green bowling. Please see which group and day your child will be heading to Ashton Gardens. On their day they must wear their school PE kit, and suncream / coat - the British weather is SO unpredictable we are better off just covering all bases!

Change to PE days:

As from Monday 20th June our new PE days will be: Monday - Outdoor and Thursday - Indoor. Please make sure PE kits are worn on this day. Once again thank you!

Year 3 to go bowling!

A very exciting opportunity has come up for our class. We are off bowling in Ashton Gardens! Our school have been invited by Fylde Bowling Development Group and Fylde Council as they are keen to introduce more young people to the game of crown green bowling. This sport is ideal for all ages and abilities and the group are very keen to welcome the next generation of recreational bowlers.

Our Year 3 children will get to experience this in groups of 10 and therefore they will not all be taking part in bowling on the same day. The group will leave school in morning and be back in time for lunch.

Please find below the attached file to find out what date your child will be going.

Please make sure that on the Friday that your child will be walking to Ashton Gardens they:

  • Wear full PE kits

  • Come to school wearing sun cream

  • sunhats / coast (Weather dependent)

How exciting!

Miss Bassett

"Together, we are one drop. But together we are the ocean." - 20.5.22

This week we have reached the end of our half term. We have continued our preparations for our sports day by spending time practising the remaining events. We have found that skipping is proving to be quite the challenge, but my, what perseverant children we have. They have wowed me with their enthusiasm and determination, organising themselves by spending their break times to practise this skill. I am so proud of them all and I know that you will be to when you watch them on Sports day next half term.

In English we have read chapter three of the Iron man and although this was a short chapter, wow did it pack a punch! We spent time exploring the new vocabulary along with the events that happened. We are desperate to read on! Roll on Tuesday when we return after the half term and we can find out what happens to the Iron man, Hogarth and the farmers!

We have continued our bridging in maths and once again the children’s confidence in crossing over and back the 100s and 10s boundary astounds me! As I reflect back over the week, I am sat remembering so many moments that made me smile as I watched the children work with their partner, helping each other with such kindness and compassion. Well done Year 3!

Let’s Celebrate!

Once again as we reach the end of our term, we ask the children to reflect and chose our certificates. I am always impressed when reading their comments about each other… they really do value such wonderful qualities in each other.

This half term the children would like to celebrate…

Niamh: “You are a Bobby bee! You are so focused in maths and are really good at it! You are also really kind and compassionate towards me and play with me at breaktimes.” … “for being so focused.” … “for being a really kind learning partner.”

Liam: “…because if somebody gets hurt when we are playing football you always make sure the game is stopped and check if the person is okay. You are very caring!” … “for being a really good co-operative Roger robin.” … “for being a really kind learning partner.”


  • Please remember that during the first week back we will be celebrating the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee with a whole school picnic outside (pray for sunshine). This will take place on Wednesday 8th June and the children are asked to wear red, white and/or blue to mark this very special occasion.

  • Sports day: Our sports day is on Wednesday 15th June at 1:30 and should last for 1 hour. On this day please make sure your child comes to school in their PE kits, their water bottle, a sunhat and sun cream.

We hope that you all manage to have a lovely two weeks break… I think this is something we are all very ready for! We cannot wait to welcome you all back on Monday the 6th June as we begin our final half term together. My goodness, the final half term… I am already getting emotional as I type that! Where has the year gone?

Also, please remember that the final half term is jam packed with different school events. Please keep looking at our class page and the schools calendar so that nothing passes you by.

Miss Bassett, Miss Brisco and Miss Russell

"Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much." - Helen Keller

We have continued to sink our teeth into our learning this week and have really been developing our cooperative skills. Many activities have included aspect of working with others. Although this has sometimes been challenging, it has also been so rewarding and the children are learning lots about themselves as learners!

In maths we have continued our bridging over the hundreds, this time with single digit numbers. Once again the children have shown wonderful focus and confidence and I am so pleased to say that many of us are now so confident to bridge both over and back from 100.

We have finished chapter 2 of the Iron Man in English. On Thursday we had a go at Rainbow writing. The children worked in house teams to see how much they could remember about the main characters and settings. Each house took it in turns to write on fact about a character/setting, making sure that they had read what had been written before them. The winning team was the house that wrote the most facts about the story so far. It was wonderful to see each house work together, building those all important cooperative skills, whilst also showing how much they had remembered about the text.

In PE this week we had a little practise of some of this years Sports day events, and I have a feeling that this year it could be a very close result! It was lovely to hear the children cheering one another.. roll on Wednesday the 15th when we are able to celebrate our children’s love of sports!

Let’s Celebrate…

Cora for being a cooperative learner! You are such a caring and thoughtful member of the class! You always offer to help when there is a job that needs doing or friend that needs help… this makes our classroom such a brighter place. Thank you Cora! We have also been impressed with your enthusiasm! You are always excited for the next challenge and have shown such eagerness towards your reading! Well done Cora.

Faye for being a focused and cooperative learner! A huge well done this week Faye! You have been so focused during our learning and have shared some good ideas during our discussions. Not only have you been very focused, you have also shown great determination and super teamwork skills during our PE and really encouraged those around you! Helping and supporting those around you is such a wonderful quality Faye and one that I know your friends, peers and teachers love about you!


  • Just a little reminder that on June 8th we are celebrating in style with a Red White and Blue Day. At lunch time we will enjoy a whole school picnic outside on the field (let’s pray for a sunny day!). Jacqui, our school cook, has ordered special lunchboxes which will be filled with a picnic feast. If your child already has school lunches, you need to do nothing. However, if your child normally brings their own packed lunch, you can order a special picnic box by pressing here and completing a form. This must be paid for in advance on ParentPay at a cost of £2.35. Forms need to be completed by 8pm on Friday 13th May.

  • Sports day: Our sports day is on Wednesday 15th June at 1:30 and should last for 1 hour. Keep your eye on the coming blogs for more information.

Year 3 blog 5.5.22: "You can't use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have." - Maya Angelou

In our PE this week we have continued to develop our teamwork skills to create an Iron Man dance. It is just wonderful to see the children working so cooperatively with each other! We have such a creative bunch, each groups dance is so unique and they come together beautifully. Well done Year 3!

The children continue to impress us with their focus and confidence during our maths work! We have continued to focus on using multiples of 10 to bridge over and back through 100. This week included lots of words problems, which did not prove to be a problem when we have such confident reasoners! They really are showing great depth, and whenever something is a challenge, we tackle these moments with great resilience! We are so proud of you all!

In RE the children have finished their diary entries as Peter. When marking their work I have been so pleased to see many of them using LOTS of their grammar skills, including one of our most recent… the ever difficult speech! Not only have they focused on these skills, they have also included many important moments in Jesus and Peter’s final days together, showing that they really know and understand the Easter story. Again, a huge well done Year 3! What a great week we have had!

Let’s celebrate:

This week our certificates have been awarded to Benjamin and Bella

Benjamin, you receive an Enthusiastic Bobby Bee certificate because you are always so enthuiastic and try hard to join in with all of the learning. You are always happy to share your thoughts and ideas and you make many valuable contributions in lessons. You are a little ray of sunshine in the classroom and you just love learning. Well done Benjamin – Keep up the good work!

Bella, you have been awarded a Concentrating Cooper Crab certificate for being such a focused worker this week. You have really tried hard to manage any distractions and to concentrate fully on all of your work. You have been super focused. Keep up the good work and keep concentrating!


  • Hopefully you all received a text to explain that unfortunately there will be no food tech this term. Year 3 are sending Mrs Curtis lots of well wishes!

Have a wonderful weekend, fingers crossed for some beautiful sunshine!

Miss Bassett, Miss Brisco and Miss Russell

Year 3 Weekly Blog 29.4.22, "Unity is strength... when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved."

The children have been full of enthusiasm this week as we continued our learning about the Iron man. We have focused on the vocabulary in the first chapter. The book really is filled with great description, we cannot wait to include it in our writing! In PE we have been using this description to create a short routine, dancing as though we are the Iron Man. The children have needed to develop their co-operation skills, ensuring their dances have included one movement from each member in their group. It has been great to see these skills develop; seeing the pride on everybody’s face when their movements have been included into the routine has been wonderful! Keep listening to each other Year 3, we want everybody to feel valued, you all have so many fantastic ideas!

We have continued to be wowed by the children's during maths this week. They have become SO confident in their bonds to 10, and to 100! We have been using this knowledge to help us to bridge over the hundreds. This week we have been deepening this knowledge even further by learning how to create our own number lines (to scale may I add) to show our reasoning when answering these questions. Your confidence is blowing us away! Well done Year 3!

Let’s celebrate with this week’s certificates:

This week we have two Roger robins!

Niamh: You make us so proud Niamh! You are such a kind, calm and caring learning partner, always taking on board your partner or groups ideas. I am sure we can say on behalf of anyone who has worked with you, thank you! Thank you for listening, thank you caring and thank you for respecting! Seeing and hearing your confidence continues to fill us with delight! We love hearing you share your thoughts and opinions. A huge well done!

Rose: You are such a caring and supportive member of our class and always make a wonderful learning partner. You respect everybody and understand that not only can you help somebody, but also learn from them too. We love hearing your kind words and celebrating those around you. Thank you Rose! You have also shown great determination towards you learning, not giving up, particularly in Maths. You are showing such wonderful resilience, we are so proud of you!

Reminders: Important food tech information!

  • Food Tech: Here are the new dates and new recipes for Food tech this half term. Please check which group your child is in and the date that you will need to bring the listed items. It is so important that they arrived to school on their day with all of the ingredients listed so that they are able complete their recipe. Thank you!

“If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them.” – Henry David Thoreau

What a wonderful start we have had to our summer term in Year 3! Our children came into school on Tuesday, bright eyed and ready to go after their Easter break. Miss Brisco sang the children’s praises on Tuesday! They had all shown such brilliant focus, determination and cooperation throughout their first day together, and this only continued as the week went by. The children are really becoming so caring and compassionate towards each other and we could not be prouder of them!

This week we have been introduced to our new class novel, ‘The Iron Man’. Our English lessons have been full of drama as we have become familiar with the main character and our minds have become full of curiosity as to what may happen next. The children worked in groups to perform a poem based on the main character. Again, the children showed such great cooperative skills as they worked together, taking on board each others’ ideas to create a short piece of drama. Well done Year 3!

In math's we have been continuing our learning when bridging through 100. The children have WOWED us with their confidence and ability to explain their reasoning. This skill is so important across so many aspects in maths so seeing their confidence is just wonderful!

Let’s Celebrate!

Theo…You continue to impress us with your wonderful focus during our lessons. This week we have particularly noticed your super focus and determination during maths. You have become so confident when bridging over 100, we could not be more proud of you! Keep going Theo!

Rex… We were blown away with your confidence and enthusiasm during this weeks drama activities Rex! You moved brilliantly as the Iron man because you had listened so carefully to the words of the poet. You have also shown great determination towards each lesson this week, whizzing through your learning… just like Bobby bee would. Well done!


  • Food tech: There will be no food tech next week for Art group 2. A text message has been sent out to those of you who this effects. Food tech will now be as follows: