What a fun week we have had exploring Africa.
Read more‘The mind that opens to a new idea never returns to its original size.’ Albert Einstein
This week we continued our ‘Around the world in 34 days’ trip and travelled to Canada.
Read more‘Curiosity is the fuel for discovery, inquiry and learning.’
We have started this half term off with a bang and started our ‘Around the world in 34 days’ trip. This week we made the long journey to Antarctica.
Read more“For unto us a child is born.” Isaiah 9:6
It’s hard to believe we have finished our first term in Reception. We are so proud of what they have achieved already!
Read more‘The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear.’
It’s Friday afternoon, your dressed head to toe in Christmas attire, for us there was only one thing to do…
Read moreReception Blog Friday 3rd December 2021 "We’re walking in the Air"
What a lovely week we have had. It might have been cold and wet at times but that has not stopped us learning!
This week we have been thinking all about the story of “The Snowman”. We’ve looked at the story and then ordered this. We’ve made snowflake pictures, decorated snowman biscuits, created our own snowmen and built up a bank of words that link to cold and frosty weather.
In RE this week, we have written our Advent promises and decorated our angels. We have revisited the story of the Nativity, retelling it in our own words and using construction toys.
Please can you practise the words that have been sent home tonight for our Christmas Nativity? Many thanks. Our Nativity goes live on the website for you to watch as a family on the last day of ter,.
In Maths we have been continuing to organise and count objects, recognising that the last number in the count tells us ‘how many’ things there are altogether in a set of objects. A key focus this week has been the deepening of our understanding of 5 as a quantity by linking the number itself to the 5 fingers on one hand.
In Read Write Inc this week we have learnt three new sounds and had more fun segmenting and blending words orally.
For ‘rrrr’ we go ‘down his back and then curl over his arm’.
For ‘j..j..j’ we go ‘down the body, curl and dot’.
For ‘vvvv’ we go “down a wing, up a wing.’
We have added these sounds to the flashcard sets
Kidsafe - This week we have continued with our Kidsafe lessons, We have talked about bullying and how we can say stop if someone continues to do things that upset us in any way. KS told the children that this was happening to him and they were able to explain to KS what he should do.
Please click on the button to read a letter explaining more.
Have a look at the little video of pictures below to see what we have been up to. We have had such a lot of fun!
Wren is an Enthusiastic Bobby Bee - You have been so enthusiastic and eager to join in with everything this week Wren. Your smiling face has really lit up the classroom and you have had a go with all of the learning opportunities. Well done Wren - keep up the good work!
Dexter is an Enthusiastic Bobby Bee too - You have really enjoyed all of the learning this week Dexter and joined in with everything with a cheery smile and oodles of enthusiasm. Because you have been so enthusiastic, you have encouraged other children in class to be enthusiastic too. Well done Dexter!
Christmas Charity Fundraising - After great discussion about how to restart our charity work the children agreed that if every family donates £5 we will be able to raise a large sum to present to Brian House. Mrs Hodges has organised ParentPay so that each family and members of staff can make a charitable donation. Thank you for all of your kind donations. If you have not yet managed to make your donation, there is still time to do so through ParentPay. Thank you.
Today we had our Silly Sock (or tights) with uniform day. It was lovely to see all of the fun socks and tights that the children were wearing.
Next week - Friday 10th December - Christmas themed clothes day (a jumper, a t-shirt or simply Christmas colours).
Have a lovely weekend,
The Reception Team
Peace at Last!
This week has flown by, it’s hard to believe we have fit so much learning in!
Read moreOh no! I can’t stand this!
It’s been another busy week here in Reception, full of questions, excitement and fun.
Read more‘An enthusiastic heart finds opportunities everywhere.’
What a wonderful week it has been in our classroom, the enthusiasm for learning and exploring has been overflowing! The room has been buzzing with Bobby Bee’s growing their brains!
Read more‘Leave a trail of sparkle wherever you go!’
The children have come back brilliantly this week. They have been settled, enthusiastic and ready to grow their brains!
Read more‘What we learn becomes part of who we are.’
Wow, what a busy week of growing our brains! Looking back on this half term, I feel so proud of what the children have achieved so far on their Reception journey.
Read more‘Start each day with a grateful heart.’
It’s hard to believe we have been in school five weeks now, it’s starting to feel as though the children have always been here!
Read more'What we learn with pleasure, we never forget.' - Alfred Mercier
It has been a magical week here in Reception. We ssstarted our sssuper week with, yes you’ve guess it, a new sound…’sssssss’ and everything sssnowballed from there!
Read more‘Kindness is love in action.’
What a busy week it has been in Reception, with each day that passes we are finding the routines that best work for the children.
Read more‘A friend is one of the nicest things you can have, and one of the best things you can be!’
It has been a fantastic week of full days in Reception, I think there will be some very tired children and teachers this weekend!
Read more‘You're off to great places. Today is your day. Your mountain is waiting, so... get on your way!’ - Dr Seuss
Our wonderful journey has begun…
Read moreWelcome to Reception!
Hello and welcome to Reception! We cannot wait to meet all the children and welcome them to their new classroom to start their Reception journey.
Thank you for all your engagement and responses to Miss Hornby’s missions so far. After watching this video please click on the buttons below to find out more about ‘Mission 4’.
We hope you have the most wonderful summer and we will see you in September!
Miss Lavelle and the Reception team
‘Every chapter has it’s end, but then every end has a new beginning.’
It has been a fantastic final week together.
Read more'I will trust the promise, You will carry me safe to shore!'
What a brilliant week discovering the story of an incredibly brave woman…Grace Darling.
Read more‘Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.’
This week has been another busy one here in Reception. In RHE this week we have had some brilliant class discussions about community. Thinking about what a community is and what makes a strong community.
Read more