‘Kindness is love in action.’

What a busy week it has been in Reception, with each day that passes we are finding the routines that best work for the children. Each afternoon we have devoted our final hour to games and activities that support our communication and language skills. We played with the parachute and had to run underneath when we heard our name or house colour. We enjoyed making different versions of scarecrow tig on the big field, used some story dice to make our own silly stories and enjoyed lots of playground games like The Giant’s keys and Fairy Footsteps.

We have been thinking all about kindness and how we can show kindness to each other. We came up with the ideas below together. Next week we hope to fill our kindness jar with pom poms!

Share with others, be patient and calm, help others who might be struggling, sad or hurt, tidy up after ourselves so the area is ready for the next person and always say sorry, even if it was an accident.

m a rwi.png

In Read Write Inc we have learnt our very first sounds this week and made an enormous list of words that started with the sounds, m and a. We had lots of fun writing the letters in colourful sand! For ‘mmmmmm’ we had to go ‘down Maisie, mountain, mountain. and for ‘a..a..a’ we had to go ‘around the apple and down the leaf’. We look forward to learning more new sounds next week!

Let’s Celebrate

Well done to Isla and Bella our very own Co-operative Rodger Robins! - You have both been great team players in our class this week. caring for others. You have show kindness towards others this week if they are sad or upset.

Important Notices

Please read Miss Hornby’s blog for information of parent meetings, school photographs and flu vaccinations!

Family Photos - Next week we will be talking all about our families and making a family album for our home corner. Please send no more than three photos with different special family members to start our discussions. Please email s.lavelle@ourladystarofthesea.lancs.sch.uk

End of the day - We are training the children up to walk to you at the end of the day, please stay in the parent line and they will meet you.


Please enjoy the selection of pictures below, click on the right to move to the next picture.

Have a wonderful weekend,

The Reception Team