‘You're off to great places. Today is your day. Your mountain is waiting, so... get on your way!’ - Dr Seuss

What a brilliant first week we have had in Reception. The children amazed us with how sensibly they entered the classroom on Monday and there was such excitement in the air! Our new classroom has so many resources to explore and the children have been great at tidying away when they have finished! We have practised our independence skills by putting our bottles in the box and our bags in our trays. On Tuesday we began sitting in our houses on the carpet, the children were very quick at remembering their places. Mr Nay visited us on Wednesday to play some fun games, we can’t wait to see him in PE next week. Our workshop and painting easel were very busy on Thursday as we added some exciting resources to use. (We will be sure to send these home on Monday, when they have dried) Friday brought even more excitement as we joined Year 2 and Year 6 on the playground, it such a huge space to have fun in!

We incredibly proud of how the children have started their journey and cannot wait to see them grow in so many ways. Please enjoy the video below of what has been a very positive week.

Important Notices

PE days - TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY, please come to school in PE kits.

RHE - Below is a letter about teaching of RHE at Our Lady’s. We hope this letter will give you a greater understanding about how RHE will be taught in the year ahead.

Have a lovely weekend

The Reception Team