Year 1 Homework 24.5.24


Please continue to read regularly at home and sign the challenge boxes, just a reminder it is one box per day.


I have made every child a phonics pack, please use it over the half term holidays. The work you do at home makes a huge difference and we can tell when you have worked at home. Two weeks is a long time so please try and fit it is as much as possible, it only needs to be a few mins per day. You can take the pack on holiday and the RWI videos are great to watch. This is the only homework I would like you to focus on as it is our priority over the holiday break

Below is a copy of the letter that is in your phonics pack:

In this pack there are a selection of flashcards and games to help practise our phonics reading skills. Please can you practise this at home, as we are off for two weeks it is really important that we continue our phonics during the holidays as the Phonics Screening will take place from Monday 10th June to Friday 14th June. Please note these screenings will take place over the week, so please continue to practise during the week, we are back at school. I will let you know when you child has completed their screening, but I cannot give results as the score threshold may change. You will find out if your child has passed or will retake in Year 2 in their report. If there is anything your child needs to focus on, I will write it on the pack and I have put specific sound sheets in so you can practise these at home.

 If you have any questions please email me.

When reading these words it is important we are accurate not speedy, I know for RWI we have been focusing on being speedy readers to move up in groups.

The Phonics screening is about accuracy, we have been practising in class please can you follow this at home, the children will know what to do:

 Scanning for the special friends

Fred talk

Read the word

During the screening I can’t prompt them so it is best they get in the habit of the above. By practising they will do it automatically.

If you have any questions about the phonics screening please email me.

Ask your child which sounds they have been learning this week, you can watch the videos to practise at home.

Have a lovely half break

Miss Drummond