Year 1 Homework 10.5.24


There were lots of children who unfortunately couldn’t quiz this week as they hadn’t read at home. We do try and listen to your child read in school at least once a week, but there are times when we can’t so it’s really important that you read at home, especially as we have the Phonics screening coming up in a few weeks (10th June). The children need as much practise as possible.

Please continue to read regularly at home and sign the challenge boxes, just a reminder it is one box per day.

There is a phonics activity in your child’s homework book, look for special friends, fred talk read the word.

Ask your child which sounds they have been learning this week, you can watch the videos to practise at home. These next few weeks are important, please focus on reading and phonics, to help prepare your child for their phonics screening. Look at the help your child at home section for games and websites. I will start to make up phonics packs ready for half term, working together at home makes a huge difference, thank you :).


Please keep up with handwriting practise at home, this week we have been practising ‘i’ and ‘l’ and ‘t’ we appreciate all you are doing at home, thank you.

Once you log in, you can click on free play to explore at home or Year 1.

To find the letters ‘i’ ‘l’ and ‘t’, click on easy letters, then click on the ‘i’ ‘l’ and ‘t’ at the bottom of the screen. You can click on the play button to see how you write the letter, then click on try and the bottom of the screen under the play button so you can practice each letter.

Don’t forget to practise with pencils in your purple books.

Optional Challenges!

It has been nice to see a few optional challenges that have been completed at home, we have shared these tasks in class. Ronnie made a brilliant maraca.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Drummond