Year 1 Homework 19.1.24


Please keep reading as much as possible and please can you ensure that your child’s reading folder comes in to school every day. As we aim to listen to all children read to an adult at least once a week, change their books and quiz.


This half term our topic is materials, can you go on a material hunt at home and find objects made from glass, metal wood and plastic? You can write, draw and label or take photos. I’m excited to see what you find, please return your homework book by Thursday 25th January so I can mark your books.


It’s our big spelling test, these consists of all the words we have learnt so far:

a do I is to

has no so go by the

was she of he his

we full me some they you

As there are 22 spellings our test will be on Thursday 8th February this should give you enough time to practise.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Drummond