"Piglet noticed that even though he had a very small heart, it could hold a rather large amount of gratitude." - A.A. Milne

What an exciting first week back we have had with our first Fylde Ranger experience on Thursday and Reception loved every second!

Our session began by hearing how the Fylde Rangers look after our local areas and care for the environment. This is important so that people can enjoy visiting these local areas but that homes and for animas are protected. (Over the next few sessions we will be exploring the habitats and wildlife in our local areas).

Then we spoke about what 5 things are key for survival and we had to put them in order of important. Next, Reception went outside and were shown how the rangers can safely make fires for cooking food and creating warmth which we had learnt is crucial for survival. Then the really exciting part, we got to toast and eat our own marshmallow!

Reception thoroughly enjoyed this experience and were really respectful to the Rangers; listening to instructions and joining in safely. Thank you to the Fylde Rangers for a very exciting experience. We can’t wait to see what we’re doing next week!

Fylde Rangers

During the next half term, Reception will be taking part in Ranger activities which will be led by the Fylde Rangers. This is a brilliant opportunity to learn more about the wildlife and habitats in our local area and to explore exciting new skills. These will include a range of activities which the Fylde Rangers will deliver in school leading up to our final session on Thursday 11th July when we will visit Fairhaven Lake for some more ranger activities (please see below for more information).

As these activities will be outside, Reception will need to have a pair of wellies and a pair of gloves (gardening gloves or wooly gloves) in school. We are still missing a few pairs of wellies and gloves, it is really important that we have these in school so the children can participiate fully within the activities. These will remain in school until after our final session.

Each Thursday children can come to school in their PE kits as these is more comfortable and practical for the activities. For safety, hair should be tied up.

Thank you!

Health and Happiness Weeks

This week and next week, across school, we will be reflecting on what it means to be healthy and happy and what things we can do to look after our bodies and minds. This is something that we talk about regularly in Reception, from healthy fruit snacks at lunch time, to using kind words and actions that make others and ourselves feel good. We have also been thinking about what it means to be grateful. Grateful for all the things and people we have taking care of us at school and at home.

This week, we enjoyed a special visit from a Yoga teacher and participated in a calming Yoga session. Miss Sophie helped us to use slow and controlled breathing and to explore different stretches and movements. Reception really enjoyed the Yoga activity leaving us feeling calm and relaxed at the end of a busy day.

Stay and Play

Thank you very much for all of the responses that have been received so far!

Unfortunately, there have been a few responses with no name. These appear as anonymous and I have no way of knowing who it might be from. Please check the list below, if you notice that your child’s name is missing and you have filled in the form please email Mrs Hartley. If you would still like to attend but haven’t filled in the form, please click the button link below. Many thanks.

We are looking forward to welcoming you back into class!

Let’s Celebrate…

Curious Clara Clownfish: Mary!
Mary, it’s wonderful to see how much you enjoy our learning and how curious you are about new topics and vocabulary. You have been asking excellent questions about new vocabulary that you have heard in our learning or in stories, demonstrating your love of learning and growing your brain! With your Curious Clara Clownfish attitude and your wonderful attitude towards learning, we know you will continue to have an exciting learning journey ahead!
Well done Mary.

Brave Tommy Turtle: George!
George, this week we have noticed that you are thinking about how you can be a brave learner. Being brave with our learning means having a go and not being afraid to make a mistakes; mistakes can always be fixed and they help us grow our brains even more. You showed that this week with your writing and tried really hard to believe in yourself and have a go, just like Tommy Turtle!
Well done George!

Whole School Virtues - Generous and Grateful: Bertie!
Bertie, this week (and many other weeks!), you have demonstrated just how generous you are with your time by noticing things around our classroom and helping without being asked. These actions have also shown how grateful you are for all of the things we have in Reception because you take care of them and take time out of your play to look after resources, games and books. You don’t seek rewards after doing these generous and grateful deeds, you simply do them because you know it’s a good choice and that looking after our classroom is important.
Thank you Bertie, we are very grateful to have such a wonderful role model!
Well done Bertie!

Lunch Time Awards:

We also have lunch time certificates which are awarded by the lunch time team to those children who they see being wonderful role models and using marvelous manors:

This weeks role model: April!

This weeks marvelous manners: Jaxon!

Thank you both for being such wonderful role models and for remembering those acts of kindness everyday!

Important Information and Upcoming Events:

  • Jim Jam Jog - Monday 17th June 2024 8am
    Our annual ‘Jim Jam Jog’ is a fun family event in which we raise awareness and funds for causes within our community. On this day, children and families are invited onto the school field at 8am in their pyjamas to see how many laps of the field they can do! Children will then stay in school in their pyjamas. More information can be found on Mrs Gregans newsletters and on the sponsorship form. Many thanks for your support.

  • Reception & Nursery Sports Day - Tuesday 18th June 2024 13:30
    We are delighted to invite you into school to watch our sports day. This is always a fun day in Reception and the children do love your support and cheering!

  • Reception Stay and Plays:
    Monday 24th June 2024 9:10 - 10:00
    Wednesday 26th June 2024 14:10 - 15:00

  • Reception Dental Survey Monday 24th June 2024
    A letter can be found in your child’s reading packet which contains further information regarding the NHS dental survey. Thank you for all of the forms which have been returned. If you give consent for your child to participate in the dental check, please complete and return the form to school as soon as possible.

  • Reception Fylde Ranger Trip to Fairhaven Lake
    Thursday 11th July 2024
    Reception will be travelling to Fairhaven Lake by coach and will enjoy activities led by the Fylde Rangers as part of our Ranger experience. We will be continuing to learn about local animals and their habitats, rivers and estuaries.

    School will provide a packed lunch for children to take (choice of sandwich, fruit, crisps and water). Packed lunches from home are not necessary; however, if your child usually brings a lunch from home and you would prefer that they brought a one for the trip, please email Mrs Hartley.

    On this day children will need:
    - PE kit
    - Suitable footwear (trainers)
    - Suitable coat (weather dependent)
    - A small backpack to carry their lunch in
    - Hair tied back & Earrings removed
    - Gloves and wellies (these should be in school and will be taken with us)

    The Fylde Ranger visits and activities have been paid for by school however; we kindly ask for a small payment towards transport for our trip. This will be shared on Parent Pay.

    Thank you for your support.

    If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact Mrs Hartley

Have a lovely weekend,
God Bless,
The Reception team