Year 5 Weekly Blog 14.06.24- 'Run when you can, walk if you have to, crawl if you must. Just never give up'

What a way to kick off our final half term of the year than with Sports Day! I’m sure it is not just my favourite day of the school calendar but it will be many of the children also. Luckily, the weather held out for us and even the sunshine was present during the later stages of the afternoon. We could not fault the children’s effort levels and also their attempts to cheer on their houses. Feeling very tired and sore the next day, they were not thrilled to find out that we were running in their PE lesson on Thursday. However, the children got to experience yoga to also celebrate health and happiness week. This relaxation session, along with some vital stretching , I’m sure contributed towards their recovery

In English, we have began planning our newspaper article and keeping with the sports day theme, along with it being the Olympics year, our article will be around the events of ‘Super Saturday London 2012’. The children have read and responded to a celebratory article about this day, to help collect some background knowledge on the events of this day.

In Maths, we have began our final topic of the year- and it’s a big one in fractions. We began by creating a keywords glossary, in which the children can refer to over the next 5 weeks. We then have used pictorial diagrams to compare fractions and using our knowledge of denominators to add and subtract fractions.

Conversation starters…

In Geography, we have been looking at natural resources and some of Britain’s most valuable resources such as coal, petrol, natural gas and oil.

1) Research the current price for petrol in 2024

2) Discuss with your parents how this price has changed over the years

Let’s Celebrate

  • Arthur for being a determined learner: After two last minute pull outs- you were required to step up and swim far more than you were expected. You kept going all of the way and never stopped in the swimming gala (even with your goggles breaking). You showed such a positive attitude through out the whole morning and you cheered your teammates on throughout their races.

  • Faye for being a focused learner: I have notcied a real improvement in your focus with week Faye. You are becoming less tempted to turn around and chat to your friends- knowing when it is/isn’t the right time to do so. Thank you for taking on this advice and for reflecting over half term. This has given you more confidence in lessons in understanding the work and your hand is shooting up ready to answer questions.

  • Virtue Butterflies: Our new virtues for the half term are grateful and generous. This weeks butterfly goes to Esther. You are so grateful for your learning and any opportunity that comes your way.

Lunchtime Certificates

  • Marvellous Manners- Niamh

  • Role Model of the Week- Isaac


  • Monday 17th June Jim Jam Jog- This will start at 8am on the school field. Children to be in their pj’s for the run (parents feel free to also wear your pj’s). The money that you have been raising, can that be brought in as well.

  • Thursday 20th June Year 5 Italian Day- This will be the day that the children are cooking their Spaghetti Bolognese in food technology. All ingredients needed for this will need to be brought in.

  • Tuesday 25th June- The Year 5/6 Dynamo Cricket Tournament will take place at Lytham Cricket Club starting at 1pm-5pm. Please check the sports blog in the upcoming days to see if your child has been chosen to take part.