"And I Think to Myself, What a Wonderful World..."

What a wonderful start to our new half term and Reception have returned from the break full of enthusiasm and positivity towards our next set of learning challenges. They have remembered so many of our routines and expectations and continue to be brilliant role models around school.

There are lots of exciting events happening across school this half term with many opportunities for you to come into school. Please do be sure to check this blog and Mrs Gregan’s newsletter so you have all of the dates and information.

What have we been learning this week…

RE: This week we have been thinking about God’s world and all of the wonderful things he has created for us. We had a wonderful discussion in which we reflected on all of the things we are grateful for and why. We drew these things in our special RE floor book so that we could share them with each other.

Phonics: This week we have learnt to read and write the sounds u, b and f. and thought of words for Fred’s book that begin with these sounds. We have also taken some time to consolidate all of the sounds we have learnt so far and we are becoming very speedy with our letter recognition! We have begun to blend these sounds into words using magnetic letters and have been doing lots of oral segmenting.

Understanding the world: This half term our topic focus will be all about ‘Our Wonderful World’. We began by having a lovely whole class discussion where we explored lots of different objects to help us think about what we already know and what we would like to investigate further.

Healthy Snacks

As part of our curriculum across school we regularly discuss what our bodies need and why healthy foods and drinking water is important. We are regularly reminding children to drink water throughout the day and kindly ask that they have water in the bottles that they bring to school. We provide a variety of fruits and vegetables for the children to choose from daily; however, please see the poster below regarding snack options should you choose to send one.
(An important reminder that we are a nut free school.)

Thank you for your support.

Reception Stay and Play

We are delighted to invite you into school for our first Reception stay and play. If you are able to attend please follow the link below. More information can be found on the previous blog.

Let’s Celebrate…

Each week children across the school are celebrated for demonstrating our learning characters and our school virtues. They are celebrated in class and in our Friday assemblies.

Enthusiastic Bobby Bee: Diana!
Diana, you have shown brilliant enthusiasm towards all of our learning so far and we have seen how much you have enjoyed our maths and number games. During our activities this week, you were able to share your ideas with the whole class and you explained your reasoning clearly and confidently. Keep up this fantastic enthusiasm, you have a very exciting journey ahead.
Well done Diana !

Focused Cooper Crab: Theo!
Theo, you have been so focused in phonics this week and we can see how this focus has helped you to become even speedier at recognising our sounds. It’s lovely to see how you have noticed this too! We are so impressed with your focus and positive attitude. What an exciting reading journey you have begun.
Well done Theo !

Whole School Virtue - Faithfilled: Eliza!
Eliza, you reflected beautifully during our discussions about God’s world and shared some very special things that you are grateful for and thought about why. It is lovely to see how you are also thinking about those kind actions that can make you and others feel special.
Well done Eliza!

Important reminders:

  • Art t-shirts - Thank you to those who have already sent in Art tshirts. We kindly ask that if you have not done so already to please send one in (labelled with your child’s name) before Friday 10th November. Miss Neves has some very exciting art lessons planned and the children will be required to wear their art t-shirt to protect their uniform.

  • Poppies - we have had some wonderful handmade poppies sent into school and the children have loved seeing them displayed in the worship area. Thank you very much. There is still time should you wish to make one at home to be displayed on our outdoor chapel area.

    If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact Mrs Hartley

Have a wonderful weekend
God Bless,
The Reception team